Stressed? This excercise is good for you and for your art. My rant-drawings.
Draw your guts out! Be stress free and ready for anything you've got to do.
Sometimes, when life is bothering me and everything is going wrong, I feel so FULL of stress I can't do a thing without crying, and I'm capable only of watching the ceiling while thinking of ALL the stuff I STILL've got to do
While I was procrastinating, I found my self on my tenth-ish round on my facebook feed, when this video came up.
The excercise on the video is one of Rebecca Sugar’s contribution to Basta de Bullying movement, for Cartoon Network.

To sum it up, she published this on her tumblr blog
This is the week you get everything out of your system! Draw, or write, or sing, or dance your guts out. This is not about skill, just raw guts!
Suggestion- I like to put on music and draw furiously to try and get as many drawings done as possible before a song ends.
Try to draw so fast you can’t even think!
Another suggestion- write about your day & how you’re feeling, but when you’re done, keep going anyway, until you’re writing about something you didn’t even know you were thinking about.
If you’re mad, sad, scared, happy, whatever it is, express it and don’t worry if it’s not pretty or polished.
So, one thing that I’ve started doing is picking an album that goes with my mood, maybe you can go to 8tracks and search for how you’re feeling and that’d do the trick.
After getting my headphones, I take a piece of paper and start drawing frantically, whatever lines comes.
I like to write the songs these come with, and the date I did the drawings, since the first time I did this excercise, the results were wonderful and I lost them all :c
This drawings were all done while listening to Paramore's After Laughter and My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade albums, but it's easier to draw on faster paced songs
I like to draw everything I can until the song ends, or to draw anything until the page is filled and then switch to another one, but you can work it your way
After a full album, or two, if you need them, you're probably gonna have your mind and heart free of bad stuff, and gonna feel awesome and ready to take the world!
If you don't happen to know Rebecca Sugar, she's a wonderful woman best known for creating Steven Universe, -A Must Watch for everybody!- which has made her the first woman to independently create a series for the Cartoon Network. She also worked on Adventure Time and she's an AMAZING songwriter!

her wonderful tumblr blog