Drawing for Dwelling -Unripe Blonde

I'm sharing with you another illustration I have created for Doug Karr's novel DWELLING. This image is based on one of the characters in Chapter 1, she is described as 'an unripe blonde'. The image has been sketched out in pencil then drawing ink applied with a dip pen.

Layers of water and ink are built up with a brush to suggest areas of shadow and light. Finer details are drawn in using a dip pen and drawing ink.

An unripe blonde leaned against the doorway as Dorian Teasdale, the picture of maturity at twice her age, slipped his key in the six-story walkup lock.
The drunken artist dragged the blonde into the foyer from the street. Her eyes met Mioko's sign as Dorian struggled to fit his key into the second door lock.
@dougkarr Dwelling -CHAPTER ONE The Tenement

'Unripe Blonde' -Ink on paper

You can read the 1st chapter of Doug Karr's novel Dwelling now!

Have a great day and Steem on!

I love the work you are doing for the illustration of the novel, the technique you use makes it look so simple that you motivate a to want to draw and paint, many spor grace transmit those feelings dear friend @opheliafu
I wish you a prosperous week
Thank you @jlufer, I'm enjoying making this series.
this is the most I have ever seen.
what a characteristic face. a perfect drawing. I love the character you created. Congratulations. I also draw a picture with the colors you love. :) I would ask you to see it if you have time
loving how you showed the steps of your creation, this is awesome buddy.
Keep the posts coming!
@opheliafu awesome work! You are trully talented! Loved it's expressiveness. Amazing style! Upvoted & followed! ;)
hi @opheliafu nice drawing
This looks wonderful! I'm also an artist though I use digital art instead. Art is definitely my passion and it inspires me to see other's artwork. :) Keep it up! I blog about y art if you'd be interested in checking it out. :D I'll be following you.
wow, thank you for posting! good job.
Great artwork. I will restreem for you. Please check out my blog and comment if you like. Many thanks
Literature is the depiction or mirror of life. Your depiction of the unripe blonde is top-notch. This is creativity at its best @opheliafu
It’s so amazing how your incredible imagination syncs so closely to my own image of these characters and events, and to see you bring them to visual life is crazy exciting!