BANK! You're Dead!! (MoneyArt By CMOR...)

in #art7 years ago


I drew this yesterday, or over the past week, finally completing it after painstaking painting...

It is called, 'BANK! You're Dead!!' and reflects the endgame of all government issued FIAT currencies... Inflate much?

@soundwavesphoton saw my moneyart when I first joined skeemit, and offered to send me some notes he had from around the world... I offered some art in return, and the bills he sent have provided so much fun, over the months... This bill is from Zimbabwe, and is literally 100 BILLION DOLLARS... Hahaha... Thanks forever to @soundwavesphoton !!!! May the hair on his toes never fall off...

Also, I love the words at the top, SPECIAL AGRO CHEQUE, which became SPECIAL AGRO CHICK for the duration of this art...

Did I mention I do custom pieces? If you want to see Obama in drag, or Mickey Mouse raping a quantum computer, let me know... I usually dialog with the client, to get a clear vision of what they seek... I also have hundreds of banknotes from various countries, so the options are endless... Typically I charge $100 for a commission like this... Well spent, considering that money is basically worthless anyway!


Oh, and just this morning someone bought my Skeleton Selfie piece! It is exciting, because for 18 months I have been making these art pieces in somewhat of a vacuum... Even the crickets avoid me! LOL... Since my art was in the Cash Is King book, with its related exhibition in London, heads appear to slowly be turning my direction... Just in case I get famous later, please understand that there will be no soul-selling, under any circumstances... I would rather barbecue my own pineal gland... Not saying that every famous person is a sellout to the evil overlords of the universe... But most of them are slaves to the slavemasters...

Skeleton Selfy...jpg

On that ironic note, have a nice day... May your brain be bombarded by more creativity than you can handle... May your thoughts be elevated beyond that of the layman, the lame man... And may the people around you find a pleasant vibe inside them, as they sync to your wink...

Okay, do your thing! Upvote that imaginary crypto, resteem that obscure penny-post!


Congratulations, you have been featured in this week's Finder Frog Focus: Art 2nd Edition "F3 as the cool kids say".

Keep creating! We're looking forward to your next post.
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I really enjoy your are work! One of these days, I'm going to be able to afford to buy one of these pieces from you.

I know what you mean! But right now, you can afford me... One of these days you may not be able to!