"Jaguar Medicine": Progression of Latest Art Piece

in #art6 years ago

I have been asked to participate in a "Spirit Animal Art show" in Chicago. I am submitting 3 pieces but this is one I made most recently due to my profound recent experience with Jaguar energy. (Please see my last post: Ayahuasca exp... to understand why).

Pencil and color begins. Until recently I have done pencil then inked over the pencil. Then colored; like a coloring book. Now I add color and finish with dark ink/ line work. It has given new style to recent pieces.


Adding more layers more colors. I find when in flow I can take one color and add it to the whole piece at one sitting. Not perfect or always true but I take time to bring one color around a piece as much as possible before switching.


More colors. Learning to not hesitate. There is no wrong decision . Make the choice and go.


Add ink and finishing touches.


Jaguar in its natural habitat. ;)


Thank you Jaguar for your strength and protection.


That's a really cool drawing! It's great that you showed all the steps.