My Start into Oil Paintings

in #art7 years ago

The end of last year I was hit hard by the creative bug. I had spent most of the beginning and middle doing some inner work, dealing with some long term issues and making more peace with myself. The bulk of it finally done is when I decided to revisit my artistic side.

My birthday was a bit of a trail, my lovely son did spend all week making the perfect card, was the cutest thing ever. :) LOL I decided to splurg and get myself some oil paints. I had always wanted to try but I used to listen to others so I put it off.

3rd painting, did a redo on a wood panel for a gift for my father. Mostly black and white, had splurged for some color for the Aurora.

Given the expense, I opted for black and white, and was able to expand to a decent palette of colors relatively quickly. Started out with the typical landscapes, as I adore nature. 

Then I got hit with, you must paint portraits or abstracts, it is 'good enough' stop adding so much detail. I attempted to kinda listen, as broadening ones work is always a good thing. However I went to looking for excuses to not paint. When before, everyday for 1-3 hours I would happily be working on a project. I started opting to stop posting works in progress. There are so many who will say, "why are you still working on it, it is done." Especially in the artist forums. 

My favorite artist to date does such gorgeous and detailed landscapes that they look like a photo was taken. Watching him crank out those, and I was stuck on landscapes and getting my own style of detail orientation.

To anyone just starting, and if you still have the nay-saying idiots around you, or even just post your works on anything. Ignore all of the no's, the should's. Just keep doing what you love, how you want to do it. The most important thing is, In Your world You matter most. Doing what you love isn't up for debate. If they don't like it, that isn't a problem, no one likes everything. 

One of the pieces I stopped, just not feeling it, I miss my green filled landscapes. 

I started in landscapes, stop to work on abstract and animal subjects, not my thing. Maybe down the line I will grow to personally like them enough to have a different subject matter. At this moment, I adore the green of nature too much. I blame it on living in a desert. ;)

My favorite to date, The clouds need a touchup, but I love how it turned out.

Currently priming a canvas, and will be working on what I prefer. I like the smaller paintings, it makes it so I can finish in a decent time frame, and there is less stuck. My favorite size is 4x5 and 8x10.

Just an intro for today, will post on singular pieces as they are worked on. Painting what I prefer I am actually wanting to get paint on the canvas, instead of looking for even house work excuses not to paint ;)


Wow the 3rd one is fantastic and the other two are great! Keep it up!

Thank you, Much appreciated.

LOL right, so much to read between the lines.

Very nice... I see you put a lot of thought into the clouds reflection on the water... Pocket Change...

Thank you. :) Yes I obsessed a little bit on that. lol

The last one looks like embroidery:) Awesome!:)

I had to go back and check. :) Thank you.

I personally would have to give it to the northern lights in winter, but for starting out you are doing fantastic. I look forward to seeing the progressive painting posts!

So would I, my father tells me they are stunning. I painted that one for him.

Thank you :)

I really like the third one. I look forward to more post from you

Agree with the majority- love the landscape (3rd one). Maybe you can share what you've titled your work also.

And I agreee 100% not to mind what others think. What matters is to be able to do what we enjoy, and fully enjoy doing it.

Thank you, I haven't gotten into naming my works yet.

Yes, I started falling down that spiral. Glad I came to my senses. Finally looking forward to painting again.

I'm happy to hear you're in a good place in life now. Looking forward to seeing more of your work! :)