SHELTER (oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm)

in #art6 years ago

Forest is an archetype of a shelter, although at the same time it is an unexplored subconscious, and it can provide a sense of uncertainty and anger. However, in this picture, the sun rays illuminate the darkest parts of the forest, and the swing as the only element of human presence in this case is in purpose of contrast, although it is a symbol of irreversible carelessness of childhood.

Šuma je za mene arhetip utočišta mada u isto vreme predstavlja i neistraženu podsvest te može pružati osećaj neizvesnosti i jeze. Ipak na ovoj slici sunčevi zraci osvetljavaju i najmračnije delove šume a ljuljaška kao jedini element ljudskog prisustva u ovom slučaju je u svrsi kontrasta mada i simbol nepovratne bezbrižnosti detinjstva.

SHELTER oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm.jpg


It is a nice painting, I do like the tree. I know it is your painting and what you were trying to represent is represented, but it also to me is sort of a mockery to the adult, the swing in the path blocking them from moving forward and reliving their past. That childhood is for children.

Interesantno je citati o tvojim dozivljajima i samim tim uvidjati kako gradis elemente slike. Hvala ti sto mi na ovaj nacin priblizavas svoje slikarstvo @montiljo.

Hvala Dunja! Da mi je neko rekao da će mi prijati da nešto napišem o svojim radovima, bio bih u čudu. :)

Hahah, kazi :) Znam tacno o cemu pricas, i meni je u pocetku bilo malo cudno i teze ali jednom kad sam se opustila sad mi pravo zadovoljstvo. I smatram da je sustinski jako dobro i za sam razvoj slike i napretka u radu taj momenat razotkrivanja sebe drugima ali i samom sebi @montiljo.

sunny in the foreground. i like it a lot

Thank you very much!

how abt showing us the process, @montiljo? I like the way you painted the sunshine. It looks so vivid!

I will, with some other painting. :) Thank you!