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RE: The Truth About Fight Club. One Minute At A Time.

in #art7 years ago

It's a very superb analysis of the movie and it predicted the dangerous turn that placed society on the current road that it is on. I look at Fight Club nearly the same now as I did 20 years ago. It was giving us prophetic warnings that if we don't restore the divine balance of man/woman unity especially when it comes to raising our youth, then this road of gender confusion and crisis of id-entity will only lead to a dead end and implosion of the human species.
There are many important subjects that the movie addresses and in my opinion, they're more relevant today than they were pre 9/11:
The emasculation of the modern male plays right into an overall agenda that includes feminism, gender/transgender revolution, nihilism, anarchy, rampant consumerism, mental illness awareness and the way to solve all the world's problems. This is ordo ab chao, a so called order out of chaos; the world that has been molded over the last 7,000-10,000 years has been deliberately constructed.