I killed my coffee while painting trees...
I started this abstract piece a few months ago. I liked it but wasn't sure on how to finish it.
Decided to turn it into an abstract landscape and add some trees...
I got so lost in the work i ended up sacrificing my coffee to the art gods :) Well worth the trade in my books.
"MIAMI" 91 x 61cm
Mixed media on canvas
Mike Pedro
Thanks for dropping in
Awesome depth and color. Very cool.
Having accidentally sipped paint water on several occasions, and made paint water from poorly-located coffee more than once, I can honestly say that it is far worse to absent-mindedly sip turpentine while expecting it to taste like coffee...
Thank you @mada :) mate i've done the sipping paint thing a few times...
But the sipping on turpentine sounds unbelievably awful! Thanks for the upvote, just followed you!
Yup. Like getting a mouthful of gasoline without the thrill of ending up with a car that will make it the rest of the way; ) These days, I thin paint and clean brushes with walnut oil. Just to be on the safe side.
Mate, I'm sitting here with a coffee next to me and reading this is making me check my cup...
and walnut oil sound like the way to go! :)
cool haha. i almost did that with coffee before

Sweet art! @web-gnar. Its happened a couple times, least it was only coffee
AWESOME Resteemed, followed and upvoted ..!

Thanks for the love @yusaymon I am now following you!
Great painting @mikepedro! It surely reminds of Miami :)
Cheers @irreverent-dan kind of you to say so :)
It happens to me all the time !!! great work !!
Oh really? I'm finding this is a common occurrence... haha Thank you @mrssignificant just followed you!
I've done that way to many times!
starting to think we need a thread here for artist who have done this or something similar. It could be very entertaining?
Good work :) Follow 4 follow any artists! Let's support each other
Hello @tmill just followed you! Thanks for the support :)
Super dreamy...congrats!
Thank you @meanmommy33
Hhahha, I have done that too! with some drink if i remember correctly :D
Gorgeous artwork! Love the shades :)
Hahaha, it seams to be very common story around artists!! :) And thanks @aishwarya
You're welcome!
impressive impressionism art work
Thank you @soyo welcome to steemit. Just followed you:)