The God Emperor of Dune
I'm kind of a big sci-fi fan and Dune will always have a special place in my heart.
This is the first drawing in the Dune series: The God Emperor!

His face is childish because if you think about it, he was almost a child when he became the Emperor. It just makes sense to me. Plus he looks scary enough to inspire fear, respect and devotion.
I really enjoyed this and I think it turned out rather well, at least I'm happy with it!
What do you think?
I finished Dune a few months back and was reading this post in bewilderment. Googled and found it is the 4th book in the series, phew.
Should I continue reading on down the series?
definitely :)
DUDE!!!! what?! the last one is the best one!
I never pictured him as having arms....
Very cool mate! I love the eyes and the face
The spice must flow.....=) Nice painting looks like it was alot of fun to do. Was that done in PS?.
thanks. yesm ps with wacom intuos pro
beautiful! as a fellow artist, hats off to you! I really like how you accomplished a oil painting look digitally, thats tough to do.
tanks :) glad you like it
i just read dune, and dune messiah is in the line, nice work
I loved Dune games, specially Dune 2000. Great sf.
This is one of the best sci-fi works ive seen.
Much obliged :)

author's drawing of a carnivorous horse
sincerely your
Great job! Mihai, your art would make an awesome cover for a future reprint of 'God Emperor of Dune'. If anyone wants to see some more cool Dune illustrations then check out