My exchange # 10 - Street art California

in #art7 years ago

I love well made street art, and Venice in California had some of the best street art pieces I have ever seen!


This first one was my absolute favourite, it is painted on a about 7x10 meter big wall and the amount of precision put into it is amazing in my opinion. I also love the earthy shades of the colours!



I got excited when I saw this next art piece that is portraying Jim Morrison, since The Doors is one of my favourite bands! I used to listen to their music daily when I was a bit younger but I had not listened to them in a while, before this weekend when it turned out my new roommate is also a The Doors fan!

I think all of these art pieces of humans look very lifelike even though they are made in quite unnatural colours like green or gray.



This girl looks very real, and I like her slightly peculiar smile that makes her look like she knows a secret but she has not yet decided if she going to tell it to us or not.

I am not sure if she is also a famous person, do you recognize her?




Many say that graffiti is vandalism, and in some cases I do agree. But the street art in Venice can not be called vandalism. In my opinion it makes the city more beautiful, unique and charismatic.




This dog is also one of my favourites, and it kind of reminds me of one of the dogs I am living with at the moment. I will introduce you to her and the two other dogs in another post!


There are probably several other great pieces of art on the walls in Venice, these are only some of the ones that happened to come in our path on our way through the city. Next time I go there I want to spend some more time searching for these unique pieces of street art!


Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed the street art!



?Thank you for shearing.

Thank you for checking in!

So cool! :)

Glad you enjoy it, they are indeed really cool!

Great content, keep going!

Thank you :)

Nice! I love the house! One day when I have my own house I will have it all covered in awesome art! So colorful and lively!

Yes, it does look really cool ^_^

Great pieces of art. Thanks for sharing with us. I love the first one with blue and green shades. I dream a world full of colors, maybe someday all the greyish walls will be painted in colors.

That does sound nice, I would love to visit a city with no grey walls :) thank you for checking in!

...we are always free to let's dream nicely!

I love street art, i have a few posts about graphiti in guatemala, belize and southern Mexico! Posts like this always help me open my mind and try to interpret the paintings or try to put myself in the painter´s shoes. Great post Mia.
PS: 4th Picture is best picture.
PS2: Try checking out @thatgrlbeth´s posts, I think she publishes a lot about street art if i recall correctly.

Cool, glad you liked the post! I love street art too! I also really like that 4th picture, it's more funny and chill than the others. Thanks for the tip, I'm gonna check out her blog :)