The Papers
Friday. You finally get to break the routine. Wanna try something minimal and light, yet deep and intense? Your setting is basically any given casual lounge party. Drinking can bring an extra dimension to the game. Now let's explain it.
This post may contain explicit photos of sexual and violent drawings made by the hand of few drunken amateurs.
this is not a competitive game. No winners and losers. Five players minimal.
If there are five players in the game, each player needs to have five blank pieces of paper in a deck. Ten players, ten pieces of paper in a deck. And a pen.
Every player has to write something on the paper on top of the deck. You can write anything you want. ANYTHING.
Then you place the deck with the side you wrote facing the table. Pass the deck to a person on your right (depending how you decided to play the game, no switching sides in a single game). You will also get the deck from the person on your left, with the message facing down.
Now take the deck, read the message and put that paper on the bottom of the deck, with the blank side facing the table and the message facing the rest of the deck. Draw what you've read/interpreted on the paper on the top of the deck (the one facing you). When you finish, rotate the deck so that drawing side is facing the table
pass the deck to the person to your right when everybody has finished with their drawing
Repeat this pattern until all papers are used
spread them in order to get a full circle
Finally you'll get the term you wrote at the beginning of the game, but processed, mentalized and interpreted by a group of people you played with. Kinda like a mental version of broken telephone (Chinese whispers). Results can be brutal sometimes. A true fridge memo material. If not even a Steemit series. :D
For a better experience, take a stop until you scroll to the picture bellow and take a second to think how would you draw it.

Anybody looking for a band name??


Many people are worried about their drawing. Well, if your drawing skills are rubbish, like eight year old level, the game will be funny as fuck. It's a great way to expose an artist in any of us. You'll be amazed where our minds can lead us. You can really get a hint of how people around you resonate, but you as well. If you step aside for a moment and take a look on your drawings and associations you get from drawings of others, you'll enter a so called "third space". A position from where you can look at your associations neutrally and objectively. This process is called MENTALIZATION and it helps us understated ourselves and others in better ways. Now, this is just a game, and you don't need to go that far. As a matter of fact, you don't need to think at all. The game will surely benefit from it anyway.
all pictures of drawings are original content
Drawing is drawing, it is only point of prespective. No bad and beautiful drawing just pointing of prespective. :)
Couldn't agree with you more!
Definitely starting a Papers series right now - my next post!
My favorite game ever!
hahaha we had such a good laugh reading/looking this post! Can´t wait next Friday to introduce this game to our friends, we´re sure they´ll love it! Thank you for this great game idea and tutorial! :)
Should try this. Looks awesome. You are right, a glass or two of alcohol, spices things up even more. Every board game deserves little bit of encouragement :)
When new article? Slacking off?
I was busy past few days. Mining some new content material :) Will be soon, no worries.