Furðufó - An illustrated book I made - #Part 2

in #art8 years ago

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In 2009 I was very sick so I spent a lot of time on the sofa. While in that state I desided to illustrate some of the golden moments and sayings I had written dow from my then 4 years old daughter. I am going to show you samples from that book in few posts here on Steemit. I know that many of the funny things are because of how the language rimes or is put together but it can be hard to deliver that in an English translation as this is written originally in Icelandic. But I am going to try my best.
I hope you enjoy this second part but still more to come after that one!

#part 2

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Once when I picked Una up from the kindergarden she had drawn a very beautiful picture of a green caterpillar. The kindergarden teacher (a young woman) passed the picture to the child when chaperoning us to the entrance. Una took the pacifier out of her mouth and said loud and clear "My father drew a man that was cutting of his nose". I was a bit embarrassed wondering what the young teacher would think. What kind of horror the parents were drawing and showing the three year old. But this was very accurate as her father had been drawing a picture playing with the name Icesave (which was one of the biggest banks that made our country bankrupt in the financial crisis). He had changed the word Ice-save into I-shave and depicted a man shaving of his nose.

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On our way home I told Una that we were invited to a wedding the next day but a wedding in Icelandic is "Brúð-kaup". It is made out of the word bride and buy. It is like in the old days (and still in some countries) where the bride is bought. The word bride or "Brúður" is also with the same root that the name "brúða" which is an old word for a doll. So of course the child asked; "Will there be a lot of dolls there?" :D

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Later that evening I called my sister to ask her if she could babysit for us the next night as we were thinking about going out dancing. My sister could´t babysit so I just said ok, then we will just stay home.

The little one was listening in and when she heard me say that she screamed "Nooooo! I don´t want to stay home tomorrow, I want to go somewhere! I want to go to Westmanymanyisland, I have newer been to Westmanymanyisland. (WestmanIsland famous for the biggest inhabitants of the puffins).

Well we did not go to Westmanisland as that would have been a long travel by car and ship but we went to the Gaypride in Reykjavik and from there to a wedding. After the wedding we went to a art exhibition where they were exhibiting drawings from the cartoon magazine "Gisp".

Bragi had told Una that we were going to go there to see some cartoons. Una walked around the space that was covered with drawings and was obviously becoming a bit irritated. Then she asked "When does the cartoon begin"? (Ups! A small misunderstanding)


After swinging on a car park chain in front of the gallery she fell on the face with the pacifier in her mouth so it started to bleed around her front teeth. (Lucky she didn´t loose them as they were very loose after the fall). When we came home we stopped in the garden and started a game we often played by she saying "I will be the mom and you will be the darling" Then she fed me cones and dandelions for dinner.

A lady walked by our garden, stoped and asked her "What! You still use a pacifier? How old are you?
-Still three, she mumbled a bit pissed as this was the second person this day commenting about her pacifier. Not only was the dentist complaining about this and her hole family but now total strangers as well. What a rude officiousness!

Few weeks later Una took all her pacifiers and hung them on a small tree branch that was supposed to be a reindeers horn. Then she cry´d all the way to the domestic animal garden in Reykjavik saying "I was newer going to give the calfs the tree branch along with my pacifiers". Her mother wondering how the tree branch suddenly became more important than the pacifyers ;)


Storie about foxes and birds that sat singing in the trees...

One evening I read a book for Una about foxes and birds that sat singing in the trees, a hedgehog and an evil hunter and an evil hunting dog. After I had finished the book the child said to me "I didn't want to hear a story about foxes and birds sitting in the tree´s singing, a hedgehog and an evil hunter and evil hunting dog.


Una´s tooth health

Una takes her tooth health very seriously. She does not want to get as many holes in her teeth as her father got when he was a kid but he tells her scary stories of his teeth so she will let us brush her teeth carefully. She has fallen on her front teeth a couple of times so she has experienced sourness in them as they have loosened a bit. Once she was out side practicing to bicycle on her new bike and I was walking beside her. Suddenly she stopped the bicycle and said "I feel so good in my teeth!"

She has made several more funny comments out of the blue about her teeth.. Like when she said "My father brushes my teeth so carefully that next time I go to the dentists my teeth will have become pointy and sharp!"


Reflector on the toes

We were watching television when an anti smoking campain appeared on the screen. You could see a glimpse of toes of a corps in this add. Una starts to laugh a lot and then she say´s "Hahahaha he has a reflector on his toes".


Ladybug or a Maria-hen

Una´s father decided to buy a hen but through one chicken farmer in Iceland you could buy a hen and get the eggs sent to town once per month. This was a very funny contract as you could pick the hen from a catalogue, name it and you could even visit the hen every now and then and you would get a Christmas card from your hen. Well we thought this would be a very fun thing to do and nice to get eggs from free chickens. Una and her father got to be registered owners and she could pick a name for her. Well she picked the fattest hen she could find in the catalogue and decided to name her Maria to honor her mother. As a ladybug in Icelandic is called Maria-hen we thought it was very funny for the family to own a life Maria-hen that lyes eggs. Well unbelievable but the eggs are not spotted even though the are the eggs of a Maria-hen.


Like mother like daughter

Sometimes Una says something very funny just out of the blue. One day she said for example. "I am so like my mother, with long hair and a talking mouth!"

Will you be the darling and I will be the mommy?

Me and my daughter are very close as well and most of the time I call her darling. It is always as heartwarming when I get the question "Will you be the darling and I will be the mommy?"
Once we were playing mommy/darling and one of her friends from kindergarden was with us. The friend was not quite understanding the game and asked "What is the darling?" I answered by saying "The darling is the little sister" "No it´s not like that" Una reply´s. Then I answer again "No the darling is of course the small child". Again Una answers with a strict "No, it´s not like that". Then she say´s "The darling is just the darling".
(Well the first two years of Unas life all her dolls were named Rosa but now they have all kinds of weird names like one of her Barby dolls that got the name Máltæki (in English = Proverb).


Once we lived in Afrika

Once Una started to tell her parents about how the things were before. "Before we came to Iceland we lived in Afrika. Then when we came to Iceland our names changed. In Afrika our names were: Mommy´s name was Nalí my name was Nana and daddy´s name was Nulius. Then everybody understood our names over there." We thought this was rather interesting story especially knowing what she didn´t know that her fathers first company long time ago was called Terra Nulius ;)


God gives you a crystal ball

One day Una was thinking a lot and after a while she asked her father "Am I in need of something?"
-I don´t know Una, do you know of anything you need?
-Well, yes maybe a crystal ball or a ball of some kind.
-I see, and where are you going to get a crystal ball? he asked her.
She answered determent "God gives you a crystal ball, a toy ball and even a teddy bear.
-I see, he replied again, and do you think he will give those things to you.
-Well yes probably if I ask him well.

Few days later when I was laying in the bed with her trying to get her to sleep I can hear her mumbling under the bed sheet.
-What are you mumbling there, I asked her.
-I´m just asking God to give me all the things I need. I just want him to wash it all straight from the clouds down to our garden.
-Really, I said. "And what is it that you are in such a need of".
-Uhhmmmn, for example a crystal ball, a teddy bear or a toy ball.

Well the materialism isn´t always on top when she is praying to God because when her mother is sick she sometimes stares at her little prayer statue and whiskers. "I wish for my mother to get better in her feet and I wish she will be hole again".

More samples from Furðufó later. If you want to check out the first part, it´s under this link:


That's wonderful! What a beautiful gift for your daughter... Love the illustrations and the story-telling style!! :)

So lovely stories and illustrations! Especially the ladybug-hen!
Up and resteemed!

Thank you Kalemandra <3

Though we may know Him by a thousand names, He is one and the same to us all.

- Mahatma Gandhi

What a great idea! How old is Una now? She will find this wonderfull later when grow-up!

She will be 12 in oktober. She has always loved the book and loved it when read for her. She is a very laugheble person so she can laugh of her own baby philosophy. yes she will probavly apriciate it more when grown up :)

I'm sure of that... and you too. Super memories...