Leftover Paint - What Do I Do With It?
Often when I embark on a painting spree, I ultimately have leftovers on my palette. I dislike wasting it by simply rinsing it off, so I started using it up on odd or extra unplanned projects. Here's how I used some watercolor leftovers.
I was working on a 9 x 12 watercolor mandala, and after the first layer, I had a small amount of watercolor left, but knew I would not be working again for several days. I got out my landscape watercolor sketch book and started using it up to make simple geometric shapes. Here is the Mandala W.I.P. followed by the 2 pages I made with the extra watercolor:

What will I do with these you ask? I have already created a Facebook banner from one picture I took, but I have since scanned them and will process them in Photoshop to use on clothing (like scarves, etc) and I may add them to the stock image site I am putting together. As for the original ones, I will most likely add some fun patterns over top of the purple blocks and re-scan them for some other use.

In the past, I added water to swirl the paints together and took pictures of it in action! these will definitely be added to the stock site after I fix the spots where the flash reflections are. These are 2 of the several dozen I took. I love the movement they have.

There are so many uses I can think of for all of these, colors and textures gives me great joy, so any time spent with paint is awesome! I hope I stirred some creative ideas in you or at least you enjoyed reading this.
These are gorgeous! Such vivid colors in the last one. Which is your favorite? (or is that like asking which child is your favorite?)
Thank you so much! Choosing a favorite would be an impossibility I am afraid! Yep, its like asking which of my cats (in my case, they are my children) I love best :) lol. Funny though, I do vary what I like throughout the day. Sometimes I like softer colors and sometimes I like vibrant ones. Depends on what I am doing in that moment I suppose!
Great art!
Thank you :)