~Mary Lambert~

In which even beauty takes it's precious time to become beautiful.
and I was really happy that it went so smooth.
Until now, that is...
My personal problem is now:
I have to do a lot of sculpting from now on.
And I'm really bad at sculpting!
There are so many small things,
that one has to take into account.
For example, the stomach area,
it seems like, that the stomach area of a woman mesh isn't too flat.
I guess I could have found that out with common sense...
I have and had a lot of problems with the breast area,
because I wasn't able to make them somewhat round,
so they ended up flat...
That isn't a bad thing, don't misunderstand!
Well, at the end of the day,
one can see,
that this is a female body!

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Your posts make me want to get into blender. Unfortunately that requires more time than I'm going to have for the next few months. Keep up the good work, man. Nice YT video as well.
That's unfortunate to hear, but do not fear!
Skills such as 3d modelling will wait for you, to begin with them!
Be it in one week or 10 years, the foundation of such skills will prevail!