The kids attended an online art class with their school where they learned to paint the moonlight surrounded by trees in autumn.
The class was done through an online zoom meeting where they encountered fellow grade school students for a session about painting with acrylic paint on canvas. Conveniently, the materials were delivered to our house by the class provider along with brushes and aprons so all the kids had to do was get into the mood of art enrichment.
The teacher showed on video in the zoom session, how to create a circle for the moon in the middle for the moon and to leave it blank. Then they painted the whole canvas a dark shade of blue to represent the night sky. It was quite a challenge mixing the right consistency of water and coming up with the right shade. We needed a wider brush to avoid getting tired from covering the whole canvas, except the middle circle, with blue. Afterwards, they drew swirls around the moon, and sprinkled white paint all over to represent the moonlight and the stars.

So far so good but by this time, my son grew tired holding the brush up. They then took the black paint and a smaller brush to paint the tree trunk and branches. The progress in the painting encouraged them to move forward to painting circles on the branches in yellow and orange for the autumn colored leaves. We had fun mixing the red and orange to play with the hues of autumn.

It was difficult trying to keep up with the teacher during the zoom class and it felt a little rushed but we were able to complete the major parts of the painting that we were trying to achieve in the class, at least. The kids had fun seeing their schoolmates on video, working together with each other.
It was difficult trying to keep up with the teacher during the zoom class and it felt a little rushed but we were able to complete the major parts of the painting that we were trying to achieve in the class, at least.
We were really happy with the output and plan to attend more art classes this summer.