Lex Simone Welcome Post: Unifying the Elements for a Peaceful Society through Philosophy and Art

in #art7 years ago

Hello, I am Alex an artist, illustrator, designer, writer, philosopher and the overall brainchild behind Lex Simone Anthology a collection of artwork and writings created to aid people in the collective consciousness expansion into the 5th dimension.

I started off as an illustrator with a background in computer animation and graphic design with the what seems ancient intention to do video game design.

So what am I doing now talking to you about consciousness and freedom on Steemit?

I will be honest, it is completely self-serving, as in reality, all actions are.

Ever since I was a child I have always desired freedom or at least my youthful goal started off primitively enough with that as a lifelong ambition. But as any truth seeker and freedom lover can tell you, people are massively adverse to the idea of freedom and even their own freedom. Freedom was such an inherent concept to me from my own understanding of my initial existence, and I often found much of my childhood principles at odds with the rhetorical reality society espoused during my upbringing from adults, peers, and pseudo figures of authority. From a very young age I understood freedom to be as natural as existing, with self-evident axiomatic principles which were always in effect around us, so why are people so afraid to realize what is already in motion as a reality on this planet?

Much of my art is about exploring that very question, and in that process of discovery whether it be through old books, crusty videos, or just observation of life and its physical principles the artwork and writings I produce are the culmination all of the unconscious and conscious concepts that ultimately lead us, every single individual, in their own experience towards understanding that they are ultimately a free and self-sovereign human being.

So How do I do this?

Well, I start with a very relatable and simple base of information to get people to understand how they see themselves, otherwise known as encouraging my viewers of my art to know thyself and pursue and trust self knowledge. Inspired by the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas I attribute concepts like Natural Law, and the very ancient but known Trivium otherwise known as the trinity of consciousness, a common archetype throughout many philosophies and religions that aids men in becoming a fully connected human beings without contradiction and confusion in their psyche. With mind emotion and body fully aligned people can act throughout this world with the full unified force of their will. Ergo making human beings very insusceptible to external forces trying to manipulate them and lead them towards a minset of helplessness and looking to external leaders for guidance. To understand and appreciate the full spectrum of what living a life of freedom and self-ownership is one has to see and understand their own existence.

My Goal on Steemit is to share information that supports the artwork I create, connect the dots between various esoteric, spiritual, philosophical, logical, scientific, and historical perspectives, and show the variety of paths and truths one can explore to understand that they are free and powerful human beings.

So stay tuned on how we can create the societies we want to see in our reality, and how we can use and art and its ancient connection to philosophy as a vehicle to make it happen.

Until Next Time
Truth. Love. Freedom.

Lex Simone is an illustrator and artist who uses esoteric symbology, ancient, occulted, and meta-historical allegories, and natural law philosophy to create work that reveals and communicates theories, and questions about the human condition, collective consciousness, and freedom. In through her work she searches for the truth, in the highest form of love, for the goal of freedom.

Find her work on
Website: lexsimone.bigcartel.com
Instagram: instagram.com/lex_simone/
FB Page: facebook. com/LexSimoneArt/

Donate Bitcoin: 1NnuiL3SqabyrtoWZ5hXRutc3f4fwgqkAw


Hi Alex, welcome here.

Hello! Thank You for the Welcome!

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