At once I will tell that this drawing not how not to treat policy of Russia. To me very interestingly what users of our project think of this person? What do you think of this character on the world scene of the world? As I will tell not big criticism that this person closes eyes to all problems of the country, at the same time climbs in another matters. What do you think of the idea of the Third World war? Whether use of nuclear weapon is possible in civilized society? How it is quietly possible to sleep thus what life on the planet can come to an end after pressing of one button?

Well, a strong country needs a strong leader. Russia has Putin :D
If people don't like him, they can elect someone else...
As for nuclear weapons, unfortunately there are ~10 countries (off the top of my head, usa, uk, france, india, china, pakistan, n.korea, russia - and a few NATO countries hosting them) with nuclear weapons and apparently all their presidents can "push the button". In that sense, Putin is no different than Obama or ...Kim.
The man is guilty of arrogance and strong arming. He's not afraid to start a World War just to prove he's got the balls. If Trump became President and they ever stopped being friends....
People want to suggest this guys' no different from Obama or other leaders. That's wrong. Obama will leave the Presidency when the time comes, not find ways to extend his grasp of power. His actions in the Ukraine and Syria are pushing the western nations to the edge.