World to you friends! Today I want to show you howl new works it hope to be pleasant to you.
I can't call it a sensuality. It is just female beauty.

Female beauty the fascinating beauty which doesn't have borders.

On it we will finish with naked girls :) Also we will pass to other styles. My art on a theme of the Middle Ages Knights and the Plague Doctor

The lovely already grown Oriental cherry. Beautiful creature.

Thank you that have found time for my small post. I want that my drawings were pleasant to you. The road which I has chosen conducts me in uncertainty.

Beautiful, I'm adding you as a friend, I love your work.
Nice, keep it up!
These are beautiful. I've just followed you :)
Nice work with good sense of art
I like your work, but...
You paint with live women?
These are awesome. Thank you:)
Nice work! I love that you have diversity in your offerings. Truly awesome! Thanks for sharing. UPvoted and followed.
Female beauty the fascinating beauty which doesn't have borders I have to agree upvoted!