Can't Forget
About a week ago I introduced you to the beginnings of this painting. There have been a few distractions along the way. One of those being my main computer has a hardware problem which saw me burn serious amounts of time trying to track down exactly the reason for its seemingly random power offs. Arrrrg!
This is why I find painting so relaxing, if there is an issue, you can see immediately what it is. Computers are supposed to provide us with certainty, yet when they have issues, software or hardware, there is a good amount of guessing that is involved in the process of elimination. Is it this, no. Is it that, no. Is it this plus that, no. And so on in various combinations, until you are stressed and suffering from sleep deprivation.
At least with a painting, even if you get something wrong, you have finished product at the end. Sure you can go back and fix it up, but I have since learnt that the most progress is made in level of ability by starting afresh. This is very common in life drawing. It is an iterative process where you start off with short five minute poses, and then progressively moving on to longer and longer poses. The previous drawings are "discarded", but they inform your later more detailed and finished works because they have served as warm ups. Much in the same way, these smaller paintings of mine are studies which prepare me for what I start to work on more complex and larger compositions again.
So given a bit more time, I'll have some more substantial works to show you. How long that will take, I can't say at the moment. Stick around for the journey and we'll see where this goes.
"Can't Forget" Leo Plaw, 24 x 30cm, oil on canvas
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There is an emotions in the picture , i like it ! don't stop i
Wait impatiently your next post
Thank you @missqueen! You might have to wait a little... if you can. ;-)
No preblem
hi Leo - resteemed and all that jazz.
Are you going to the Austria Steemit Stammtisch? Unfortunately I can't, am travelling to Belgrade for the Pigmalion exhibition.
The majority of posts on my VA twitter account are now from Steemit - several today, yours just now:
Where's the Austria Steemit Stammtisch?
Thank you very much for the resteem and retweet good sir! =)
You would have to check @nicoletta in future - but I resteemed it:
Sonntag, am 11. 02. 2018, ab 13.00 Uhr
Brandauers Bierbögen
Heiligenstädter Straße 31
1190 Wien
Caroline Schell is probably going.
Thanks for the heads up. It so easy to miss posts on Steemit. I follow @nicoletta but did not see this post. Cheers.
Have fun in Serbia. =)
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
oh. my. god.

that was the sound of my jaw dropping to the floor. O_O"
It's hard for me to say anything to this... (my jaw is still on the floor after all)
except... wait what? are you in Vienna?!! 😍
Thank you Jill! Yes you might catch me around Vienna. ;-)
Thank you for the resteem!
Wien, Wien, nur du allein...
nein wie lustig.
Ja, Wahnsinns skill verdient halt ein re-steem, is ja wohl logisch. <3 freu mich schon auf was alles in meinem Feed auftauchen wird <3
Super! Danke dir Jill. =)
Und wo bist du uberhaupt?
und weiter von diese Thema...
Oh, da kömma gleich weitermachen <3
Bin eine Auslandswienerin momentan in Montreal stationiert. :)
Mal schaun wie lange noch haha mich zieht's job bedingt immer weiter.
Und wo wir schon beim Thema Wien sind:
Ich war nie ein Fan von Bill Joel. Was ich finde schön ist die Wiener Wald, besonders um Grinzing / Kahlenberg.
Ah, ja mega fan bin ich auch nicht, aber dieses Lied is so ein Klassiker.. <3
Und ja, der Wienerwald is sehr schön <3
Waiting with baited breath. Here's to a quick comfortable transition back to your creative space. May time become your advocate.
Cheers @lucidlight! =)
I have to make (prioritise) the time... which I am doing.
Good golly, @leoplaw this is absolutely stunning work! I did not realize there was art of this caliber here on Steemit!
Are you familiar with Agostino Arrivabene?
I’m a poet, btw:
Wishing you continued success!
An instant fan, Yahia
Hello and thank you Yahia! There are even more artists you should check out.
@gric @davidcheifetz and many more of differing styles.
Indeed I am familiar with Agostino. I'm a fan of his work. I see you used one of his artworks on your most recent post.
Thanks, for the tips, I will check them out. Your own work is strong, erotic, dark, metaphorical...
Perusing it, I see a smidgeon of Agostino's influence (I'm in touch with him and featured his work in a magazine that I edited).
I hope my words keep you good company and, who knows, maybe one day we collaborate or I am fortunate to sit for one of your portraits :)
I've had very brief email interactions with Agostino because of an art website I used to run. His English is limited, my Italian is non existant, thus any exchange is not in depth.
I draw influence from a number of artists. He is one.
Let's see what the future brings. I noticed you found me on Twitter.
Yeah, our interactions were limited, too, because of the language barrier (I ended up writing him in Google-translator-assisted Italian :) Yes, of course, as a mature artist I imagine you've other influences, besides him, and your own distinct style, as well.
Good to discover your work, here and on Twitter. I like the sounds of seeing what the Future brings...
Cheers, mate :)
I love how this piece kinda tugs at the heartstrings a bit, there is definitely a strong emotion attached to this piece.
I really like the pose and lighting for this and how it adds to the feeling of the piece. Since the man is facing away, he seems like he is hiding something, but he is also facing the light, slightly covering his face and turned away from the dark. It feels almost like he is protecting the hope inside him, but also wary of the hope he has as well. It is almost like a person who has been hurt a lot and contemplating if they should embrace the hope still in there heart for something better.
Since the title is "Can't Forget" perhaps the memory of the past keeps up the mans hope amidst dark times.
This is just how I interpret it here. It looks like with further inspection other meanings can come from it as well.
Hi @kyu10! Thank you for your thoughtful analysis of the painting. I try to convey an emotive quality to my works, because when you can move people, you can create a more lasting impression.
His hand covers or protects his heart as he reaches to his head to stop the thoughts and memories that stab at his heart.
Yes! I got that feeling from it! The feeling is understandable.
I appreciate the emotive qualities, you are very talented!
keep up the great work :)
I'm keeping on keeping on. Thank you again @kyu10. =)
I love the emotion behind this painting.
Cheers @luckyfellow!
Beautiful work! The way you colour this made the drama of the body jumped out of the screen in its pulsing vibrancy! Gorgeous * __ *
Thank you @veryspider! I'm happy to hear it grabbed your attention. =)
BTW, took a look at your blog, following. ;-)
This is beautiful, I love the style, it really reminds me of the old traditional art, and in particular something about this reminds me of the Death of Marat (One of my favourites).
Perhaps the shape of the body or just the style, either way, beautifully done! Love it. 😱
Thank you @skippyza! I spend a great deal of time studying the Old Masters. They are an inspiration. But there are also many modern masters that are sources of inspiration.
The story behind David's "Death of Marat" is an interesting one. After the French Revolution, Marat was a much reviled figure. Because David had painted Marat as a martyr, he was shunned. This painting effectively ended his career. Hopefully, my painting won't do the same for me. ;-)
Dear Artist @leoplaw ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! See you soon !
Looks like you are doing a good job of curating art on Steemit. Following. Thank you for the resteem! =)