My Finished Painting. [with WIP photos and back-story]
This painting has been in progress for...I think about 6 weeks.
Not because it took 6 weeks to complete but because I hit obstacles. One being my near "successful" suicide attempt that landed me in a hospital for a week and another being trying to figure out how to line up her hair with the skull. I also was adding bugs at one point but scrapped the bug idea for the red. I thought it looked perfect meeting with the hair in the middle.
I literally almost died while in the process of finishing this piece.
This painting has so much of myself in it. Not only is it a self portrait but it tackles mortality and death something I think about often. The fact that I was minutes away from dying while it was in progress only adds to how much it means to me. This painting will always remind me of that time and even though it may look morbid and sure it IS morbid for me it is a positive thing. A reminder of how I nearly ended my life when I will end up dead soon enough. A look into what's beneath my flesh. I love this painting. That being said if you love it and want to offer to buy it let me know. I am running out of room on my walls. Until someone really, really wants it and offers what I feel it is worth however it will live on my walls with the rest of my work. Perhaps, I can offer affordable prints though.
Here are the works in progress.
I took it from there to the final painting:
I believe the size is 18 x 24 but it may be a bit bigger. I will check later and update this blog. It is acrylic on stretched canvas. I mostly love the outcome although there is one spot that got fudged due to accidentally smearing gold paint and having to try to fix it. Aside from that which may or may not be tweaked -probably not- I think it is my favorite painting to date. I hope you enjoyed the peek inside of my process and my morbid mind.

Holy mother of high definition! The compression on FB definitely hid so many gorgeous details!
It looks sooooo good.
Where do you think you'll display it?
Thanks. Yeah....another reason to hate facebook right?
I only have one spot left on my whole wall it is facing my bed. So I can look at my own fleeting mortality every night as I drift off to sleep. <3
Years from now I will be drifting off to sleep facing my mortality and it will be the last I sleep.
How poetic.
Definitely poetic! And that sounds like the perfect spot, to me!
Have you thought of investing in some small wall mounted lights for your paintings?
Make your room like a little gallery!
Not a bad idea actually....I hadn't but I REALLY like that idea. I may have to do that and then post pics and credit you for such a cool idea. :D Since I am running out of room may as well fancy it up.
I have 9 painting up rn. I can fit more if I just go nuts and put some up high too. XD I probably will.
You totally don't have to credit me, but it is so sweet that you offered!
I didn't realize you had nine up, woah!
But you definitely should put some up high, that would look cool as hell.
Since you have so many, with some you could possibly do one centered light for some of the smaller pieces or just use them to highlight the center or main part you like best. That would cut down on price!
Soon you'll be expamding your art down the hallways!
Yeah I don't list most of my works for sale because I am attached to them. I might slash the price on Eric Draven to free up some room though. XD He is a big part of my wall. And the birds dropping bombs is actually sold, just taking payments. :)
How much is Draven to begin with?
I wouldn't mind owning an original of yours and now that I'm on here, I could possibly afford one! :D
It was just posted really high on etsy because I didn't want it to sell. It is also really large. I am thinking of going with $200. I have cheaper things but they aren't the larger paintings. :> I have a lot of pencil stuff for much less.
I can also do smaller paintings.
This post received a 1.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @lauralemons! For more information, click here!
I think I came out with less than I paid this time rando. XD But thanks anyways.
Really like your art work! Keep it up!
It's absolutely gorgeous, please keep it and make prints. You know the true meaning behind it and it obviously means so much to you. I think it should stay with you.
Yeah I partially feel that way too but I do need $$$ and room on my walls. I will try to sell my large Eric Draven piece. Less personal. Thank you. <3
Cool! :D
I don't understand pallets, I don't understand what's happening with my eyes, but I like it. Keep working on new ones, keep your mind busy, practice!
I create art constantly. :)
been at it since I was 12 in many mediums so I don't think I risk losing it. ;)
Depends... I've occupied my time with music for, 8 years I think... first the basics, the sound design, then the technical shit (mix and master), but sometimes I feel like I am bored of it...
And I had a break for 6 months ... When I returned to my beloved DAW, I didn't even know the basic shortcuts. In my particular case, I can't bet on that. I am so ignorant that my brain can just delete info which it thinks I don't need anymore.
i feel like i would put it under starry night for making connection with Universe..
Just an idea
I dunno if I will use that but it is fun hearing how other people would display it. :) It is a really nice idea.
not a big stars but like untold sign : cosmos is calling you. for death half
I understand I just already have a spot and my own idea for what to do with it. :) I do like the idea though.
Really nice
We all have a dark side!
Indeed we do and repressing it isn't healthy. I like to channel it into art.
Good! :)
I like to drown small kittens...
Obviously I like to make extreme jokes :D
don't worry... I moved on to puppies already
Yeah, my humor doesn't come off as funny online :D
It's okay I am not really offended. :) There will just always be part of me that thinks of you as a small kitty killer. bahahaha
lol :D
Everyone is a potential kitten killer monster. It's how we act that defines us.
I am not a potential kitten killer. >:(
OMGOOODDD I´m your fan !!