Trying Out ArtRage [Pear Digital Painting]

Hi everyone! In this post I will be sharing an artwork that I made on ArtRage, a realistic painting and drawing app (free/paid version). I think this is also available on desktop but this, I did on my mobile phone. I really like this app because of the realistic feeling it creates towards digital painting. I mean it really does feel like you are painting on a canvas or any textured surface. Also, the movement of the paint is as though it is live and not digital.
Yeah, I really like this app and I'm overreacting because I don't really know much digital art apps and this one blew me away. Anyways, I have below some progress layers. Hope you like it! :)

I used the pencil tool and picked a drark brown color to sketch the pear. I honestly don't know what I'm doing here, I just go with the flow and copy the reference photo as close as possible. I planned on just using the flat brush for this painting but halfway through I had problems layering the paint so I switched to the watercolor brush. So if this was a live painting, this would be a combination of oil/acrylic paints and watercolor.

I got my reference photo on uploaded by @margot_pandone

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