Taking Flight

in #art7 years ago

Something new is taking flight!
bird and me 350x400.jpg
You know that exciting moment right as you jump into something new, the butterflies in your stomach when you meet the love of your life – the exhilaration you feel when you take flight on a new adventure or discovery – it’s a beautiful thing.

Launch & the Journey

I’ve been having so much fun in my “launch” into this wild and beautiful “steemit country” that I thought I’d share some paintings that I created not too long ago that represent my journey in life, and maybe yours too.

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It’s a trio of paintings featuring bright blue sky and birds at different moments of taking flight. They represent stages of inspiration and hope and new ventures.


The first is a calm bird sitting; it's titled "Contemplation" - those calm moments when we can think and regroup, or gear up to take big steps forward.

contemplation side view.jpg


The second painting is just at the moment the bird lifts off - it's called "Inspiration"; to me it is the epitome of launching into something new and exciting. Lots of energy exerted, it's real now.

bird Inspiration.jpg


And the 3rd painting is called "Elation" - Two birds soaring and flying! I like to think the one bird is looking back and saying "join us!" It's when we are soaring and others are too. We're not alone. Now this one sometimes takes time. I've been working on my art and my garden business and my life balance for years, and there are always ups and downs. It's awesome when we can celebrate the times when we are soaring.

birds Elation.jpg

The Cycle

Just like nature and it's natural rhythms and seasons, I think our life journeys can be a constant cycle between these stages.

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We need time to rest, time to regroup, even time to recover when we fail or tragedy strikes.

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And in order to thrive and grow we need to explore and “launch” past our fears and complacency. We must heal and move past pain.

bird inspiration side view.jpg

And finally, we need to connect and share that with others. We’re social creatures (some more than others!) but at our core we all need love and connection.


And then the cycle continues.

kara holding trio.jpg

So here’s to you "Taking Flight" and all the stages that surround it!

Kara Elizabeth


Dear all the point you covered in just amazing manner ..wow taking flight .and ofcourse it is true butterfly in our when we meet the love of our life ..Truly amazing .

Wow, thank you so much! It's such a joy to share my art and thoughts. Thanks for commenting.

Your most welcome :)

@karaelizabeth This is such a great post. Yes, the paintings are very accurate to the actions of many. The paintings are just beautiful :) Bird art is one of my favorites. Steem on :) (and yes SoCal steemian is right).

Ahh, thanks for letting me know! I want to be calling it the right thing! Thanks for the encouragement on the post. I think this was surprisingly my first time doing bird art, now that I think about it, but it seemed to be the best way to describe where I was at, and the journey I'm on. Thanks again for commenting!

Fantastic work. It makes a great set.

Thank you, thank you. I like them all together as a set too!

The paintings are just too great to be described with words. Their descriptions match the paintings just as perfect as it should. Great one....

Wow, thank you. So kind of you to let me know. I appreciate that!

I love this triptych. I believe many of us can relate. Lovely work. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.

Cool, thank you so much. Yeah, I think especially here where people are trying to reach out and try new things and see what kind of connections and impact they can have, it makes a lot of sense. Hopefully its an encouragement to people. I love your end quote!

I am new here too. I hope we can all reach out to one another and just encourage humanity and its development. So glad you have found a platform after all you have been through. Be safe and loving my friend. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.

Really hope this platform and community inspires you to create more great work. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.

It TOTALLY has! Just this morning I had this idea for an amazing new sailing painting that I'm going to start on, and I began working on two new posts. And yesterday I worked on all the photos for a food blog post (the most fabulous meat and veggie chili ever!!). So I'm super pumped by how being involved here is boosting my creativity! It's so fun to see people's work, art, thoughts, and adventures - and be able to comment and interact with them about it. Very inspiring!

I hope I get to see this new creation. I feel that your spirit is really awakening and letting go of the fear. Good for you. I wish you oh so much creativity in the future.....I can feel your positivity. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.

Fantastic post, sister! I love these paintings and the story they tell. So cool. :)

Thank you so much, "little" brother! I'm having so much fun here sharing art and stories. My mind is spinning with new painting ideas, new post ideas, and so much to be stoked about!!! This has really boosted my inspiration level. And I've had some really cool interactions with people all over the world, caught up with and old friend and learned some wonderful new things. Very cool, indeed!

This is certainly a very inspiring place to be.

Just wait until you power up some STEEM and start seeing your votes really matter to other people. It’s an amazing feeling to help others like that.

I'm definitely looking forward to that. To encourage people in their pursuits and their passions, and to be able to help and support them along the way, is something I am so excited about.

Nice work..

Kara, how briliant you ilustrated the idea of cycles in this post. For me this art sybolizes hope and power. Thank you for sharing.

I really like your perspective on what this symbolizes - hope and power. That is at the core of what I have been learning over the past few years of my life. The beauty of hope, and then how important it is to recognize that we do have strength and power - more than we even know sometimes. So glad that you shared your thoughts.

🙏🏻 it is really important to recognize that we are powerful to be able to make change. Thank you again for sharing.

Beautiful work!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that.
I looked again at your profile and googled INFP, to see what at it stood for. As soon as I saw it I thought, "Of course! The Meyers-Briggs personality types! I'm actually an INFP too. So funny! I guess that's why I can relate to so much of what you have posted already. I'm following you now. I think it will be nice to see someone who I can relate to so much! So glad you're posting.

Wow!! I love meeting INFP's...usually we can recognise one another in conversation, I think :). Very glad to have met you here. Very glad you are posting too!