Practica de Sketches Rapidos #1 / Quick Sketch Practice # 1
Hola.! que tal amigos de Steemit?
Espero que esten muy bien, esta noche les quiero mostrar unos dibujos que estuve haciendo esta semana.
Son algunos sketches super rapidos que hice para practicar la velocidad y la destreza, tratando de usar muy poco el borrador para asi tener mas seguridad en mis trazos. El promedio de tiempo en que hice estos sketches van desde 45min a 2 horas, ya que a algunos le dedique un poco mas de tiempo, ejemplo, el de Chris Evans.
Espero que les puedan gustar, saludos para todos.
Hello.! How about Steemit friends?
I hope you are very well, tonight I want to show you some drawings that I was doing this week.
These are some super fast sketches that I did to practice speed and dexterity, trying to use the eraser very little in order to have more confidence in my strokes. The average time in which I did these sketches ranged from 45min to 2 hours, since I dedicated a little more time to some, for example, Chris Evans.
I hope you can like them, greetings to all.
- Lapices de grafito 6b y 9b
- Portaminas
- Hojas bond
- Cutter

Your post was upvoted by the @art-venture account after manual review. Support of Visual Artworks and Photogrpahy on Steem by @stef1 and @art-venture
Awesome drawing, that is a great practicing exercises, really love them :)
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