Digital Drawing Process - Digimon creation AngeGarudamon
Hello everyone,
I have always been fascinated by the concept of illustration of the saga anime Digimon, not only for its concept of evolving digital monsters, but also by their creative designs, anatomy and variety, which has inspired me to create their own versions of these characters, among which is Garudamon, to which i have created a new and improved version evolved.
This is the initial sketch:
I started to establish its basic body,
Then I added 4 wings to the design together with a tail made of feathers,
And finish by creating a majestic armor.
Once achieved the contour of the illustration continue to add color to each of the stages in the process of illustration,
Then the animation of the process of illustration, I hope you like it.
I'm actual watch whole Digimon Series :)
great !! @dragonarts For me the first season is the best !!
I agree with that :)
wow amazing digital art!!! btw I was such a digimon fan! loved it.
Many thanks @skullangs, i'm glad you like it !!