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RE: Duncannon Scroll (part 1) - Sand/Cement Sculpture

in #art7 years ago

howdy there ammonite! oh my gosh this is a remarkable post! To see all the steps in a process like this is fascinating, you guys are so skilled as well as patient!


Thanks, I am so glad that I documented the process. For my own memory and also so I can share the process. I imagine it could be used for some very interest architectural work and they relatively cheap materials.

sir ammonite! yes I guess if sand is the main material it would not be expensive, the intensive labor and time would be the major costs involved. Are you going to have more sculptures that you can do posts on?

Now that I know the process I could probably repeat it quite quickly. Probably two weeks of labour would do. I don't know of any other materials that could be worked so fast and cheaply.
Yes there are many more sculptures to come. So, please stay tuned.

howdy again sir ammonite! well that sounds quite marvelous and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!