How The F..K Do I Make Living As An Artist??? Confession Of A Mad Man
Today I will tell you secret of my success as an artist. Yeah right. But seriously, I get this question so many times I thought I'd write a post as a general answer to all who care to read.
Wow, that felt good. I guess I can proceed now since the idiots have been warned (not that I have much hope in the effect of my warning...:)
Whatever I will share with you today is my story. That does not mean that my story will apply to your life. It might ignite a spark of hope or interest or motivation in you, but it is only me sharing my journey. Your journey will be your journey and YOU WILL WALK IT ALONE whether you like it or not. Universe loves brave souls, so you better suck it up.
To begin with let me tell you this: there is no secret.
Do you hear me??? There is NO SECRET!
Never was, never will. Once you open yourself enough to the wonder of creation, you will realize that everything in existence is interconnected and so everything can be accessed at any time. You want to hear a bold statement? Then eat this: EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. There is no end and no beginning and time is a 3D construct that does not exist beyond that. All you got to do is melt. I know, this might be too much so lets get back to my story of success.
Whatever I will tell you (and anyone else for that matter) about how I made my art career successful, is not a secret that you need to read in some special book or hear from a successful person. It is right in your brain if you care to look for it. You've been programmed for success, full stop. You just haven't cared enough to look for it hard enough. You have not sit alone in the most uncomfortable spot inside of yourself without trying to run away or distract yourself with coffee or sex. You have not tried and failed enough times.
Always for love!
Which brings me to the first and foremost rule of how I made it:
1. Do Everything For Love. And LOVE ONLY
We keep on seeing success as the amount of $ we make. Not in my world. Money is awesome and I love it. I do love making money while doing what I love. It's a totally intoxicating feeling when someone comes to my studio and leaves me a 5 figures cheque for my painting. BUT MONEY IS A SIDE EFFECT OF YOUR LOVE AND PASSION NOT THE PRIMARY GOAL. If your primary goal is to make money, you already failed. You might make money, but you will not be happy. You will be just one more miserable loser with a hole in his heart chasing the exit road out of your misery by doing the opposite of what would actually get you out of there. Sure, it's prolly better to be a rich loser than poor loser, but in the end they both play for the same team pretending something that they don't have: inner feeling of happiness and fulfillment. If you are not absolutely and madly in love with what you chose as your life mission ("career" is a totally irrelevant word), then you have simply not found it yet.
Keep looking. Invoke it. Pray for finding it. Sacrifice your comfort for finding it. Do every fuckin possible thing to find your life's purpose because without it you are a zombie, and there is billions of zombies already on this planet, we don't need more of them!
Hint: if it is only about you, you are not even close to the answer. True mission always helps the whole. It always uplifts, somehow benefits, somehow inspires the others, and in turn the whole planet.
2. Don't listen to anyone. The answer is within you.
I know it sounds like a cliche. But it is 100% true.
I read a funny book from Hugh MacLeod while ago. This one:
I agreed with most of what he said. Also, his doodles are funny as fuck, so I can highly recommend it. But I realized one thing while reading it: this book had nothing to teach me.
To me, most of the content was as obvious as not buying GMO corn. Once you tap into your life's purpose, you don't need anyone/anything to tell you how to do things. Because you don't do things for the sake of the result or for the sake of approval/validation from others. You do your thing for the joy of creation, because that is what keeps you alive. Everything else is just a waste of time.
Summary of this rule and this book is along the same lines: nobody is gonna teach you how to be happy or successful. Motivational courses and self-growth programs are SCAM for sheep who constantly seek outside for guidance forgetting to look in the one place where all the answers are: WITHIN.
You don't need Tony Robbins. You don't need Landmark course. And you certainly don't need me. You NEED YOU, your REAL YOU who you ignored whole life and mistaken it for the ceaseless chatter in your head!
3. Have a clear vision and give it ALL YOU HAVE
Tell me one thing: how the f..k can Universe give you what you want if you don't know what you want? Answer: it can't. That is why I said at the beginning that the FINDING OF YOUR PURPOSE should be the most important quest of your life.
Once you find it, and you will if you really give it all you have, then all will make sense. You life will be divided in two sections so clearly different, like a day or night: THE LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER YOU FOUND YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE.
But one thing will separate you from the mental world of realization and physical word of tangible everyday reality of your new life: action. That action has to be fueled by a very clear vision of who you are. You have to feel and see yourself as the purveyor of your newly found purpose in its finest form. If it's an artist, then see yourself as an artist. And not just "some artist". A FRIKIN AMAZING KICK ASS WORLD-CLASS ARTIST whose art inspires the f..k out of people!
And that action has to be consistent, persistent and relentless. You have to give your life's purpose all you have, not just few hours a day. That doesn't mean that you can't go on holidays, but even on holidays you look at the world through the eyes of an artist, you see beauty everywhere, and if you don't sketch it on paper, you sketch it in your imagination.
And that is what I did not agree with in the previously mentioned book of Hugh MacLeod, namely about what he said about playing it safe: keeping a part time job while cultivating your passion in a stress free conditions (bills are paid by the part time job). Works for most, works for him and probably works for you, but not for me. I only do things fully. I don't think that you can reach the peak of your potential if you did not show to Gods that you're willing to go hungry and dirty for it. If you're not willing to lose your job or lover or social status for it, you DO NOT DESERVE YOUR DREAM.
If you just knew that you have the power to lift the mountains...because you do!
Your best is not what you think it is. It is not what you do 99% of your time. It hurts and it feels shitty. It is not glamorous and it is not in the spotlight of social acclaim. It is does not receive public accolades. It is a lonely, sweaty and long-ass grind. Are you ready?
Go public and show your creations and make your name your brand (don't hide behind nicknames!), but don't look for validation or likes. Do it because you are not scared. Don't do it with pride, because you have to be your greatest critique, do it with joy and nonchalance of a child. What others think of your art is not your business!
Speaking of books, one that I truly loved above all on this subject, was The War of Art from Steven Pressfield.
This will tell you what RESISTANCE is and what it takes to become the samurai who will slaughter it. I have to admit, despite all I said about not needing anything but the voice of your heart, this book helped me tons to accelerate the process of manifesting of what I knew, but was struggling to act upon.
How my story relates to this rule? I lost my manager position in finance in 2011. I was looking for job for a while and got few offers. But one fine day I sit down and asked myself an honest question: do I want another office job? Fuck no! What do I want? Paint full time like a crazy mothafaka! And so I did. I calculated I had enough $ for a year if I lived super frugal life and just painted. And that's what I did. And I did burned all my money eventually, even before I started to sell paintings. But only and I repeat this: ONLY AFTER I WAS TOTALLY BROKE BUT STILL KEPT ON GOING, FOR LOVE, NOT MONEY, MONEY CAME.
You have to open your hand first and let go (namely of your feeling of "security") so that a new, better thing, can land in the palm of your hand. Life often has to break you down first, and wash away all your ideas of success and money and fame, before the seed of real success can grow in the fertile ground of your "cleaned" self.
Of course, there is much much MUUUUCH more I could write on this subject. But I already gave this blog 3 times of my assigned time and skipped many happy painting moments.
But I did it for love.
Hope it helps
Love & Light,
follow @jankasparec
P.S.: Remember: you are programmed for success. Just stop running around looking for it in places where it doesn't grow.
One of the best posts I ever read on here! Each word spoke to me. We sometimes make life harder than it is, and that's simply because we looks for answers from without; by studying others, reading books or watching movies. There is no one else like you and therefore only you have the key to unblock your own happiness.
As you state only you can figure out what will make you successful . In the end success is subjective and therefore there is no magical formula or rule of thumb.
"Tell me one thing: how the f..k can Universe give you what you want if you don't know what you want? "
This is definitely the first step and it almost seem like most people block out this question even though it's the most important question we can ever answer
Thanks a lot bro @dandesign86 ! I truly appreciate your time and input!
The pleasure was mine
I like the first paragraphy you wrote. Totally agree with that! This article is amazing! Nice work @jankasparec!
Hahaha. Very cool disclaimer and an amazing article how to get successful.
I am guessing that 3 points will help in any niche.
Chrystal clear resteemed :-)
Thanks bratha! Much Love to Berlin! <3
Oh my gosh, Jan, you are RIGHT ON. So much of what you say I agree with completely - the idea that it already exists, and that we just have to walk into it. We have to believe that it's there. And the crazy thing is that once we believe its there, we find "coincidences" everywhere; serendipity that supports what we are doing.
And that usually happens once we've worked at figuring out what we are made for, our mission, our purpose - especially when it's something bigger than ourselves, and most definitely when it is ultimately driven by love. Then once we figure that out and start pursuing it whole heartedly it does create more and more of a fire inside us, and more of a "completeness" in us, a sense of fulfillment and joy. And that comes through to other people. I think when that is authentic people feel it. (And the opposite is true too - when someone is BS-ing, people can usually feel that as well.)
I think that is were the financial "success" part comes in - people are happy to pay for something that is great, that they feel good about.
I could go on and on, but you've said it all here. Right on. Well said. I'm glad you posted. There are so many gems of wisdom in here. You've got my vote on your post, and a "real" response for all the effort put in on your post.
Thanks so much Kara for your amazing comment. I truly appreciate your support and contribution! Keep on shining!
This line: ONLY AFTER I WAS TOTALLY BROKE BUT STILL KEPT ON, FOR LOVE, NOT MONEY, MONEY CAME., made me cry a little. I love reading your stuff :) I'm at that point, right at the bottom, still looking up :) I think I did some of my best personal work yesterday too, lol. Be well!
Thanks Mike! Always happy to see you here and reading! You will come up, there is no other way!
There's a rule I have learnt now from a job interviewer that has changed the way I make decision. Before now I was mostly an opportunistic decision maker, jumping into any line that seems to be moving. Recently, I had applied to a company, one of the big four auditing firms. I had actually applied as a management consulting associate but since there was no opening, the company had selected me for the tax advisory unit. Things were tough with me with lots of perceive responsibilities so I needed a job badly and here was one - a high paying one at that. So I did what most youngsters usually do, I jumped in at the opportunity. After scaling through two exams and three interview, I was sitting with the tax partner for the last chit chat interview before I start my job. He asked me two questions at once - he said: James, so what are you most passionate about in life that you would not allow someone take it away from you? Would you be happy after 30years still working in this office as a tax consultant? I sat for five minutes didn't know what to say. Then I stood up and told him to inform me when there's an opening for consulting I don't mind waiting a year. Tax wasn't a bad idea, but that day I learn two questions which I asked myself before joining any line: how passionate am I about this? If I'll be doing this for 30years will I still be happy after the number of years or will I wish for a change? The answer we need are all deep within us -- search deeper.
Man @lordjames your story gave me goosebumps! Such an awesome share! Thanks and respect bro! Totally following you
Thank you @jankasparec. It wasn't an easy decision to make. Lots of my family members and friends criticize me for it today. But deep within me I know I took the right decision. And that's all that matters. Thanks for following me, am just three days old on the Steemit platform.... I know with patience and commitment I'll give my poetry a voice.
Right on bro, way to go! The only voice you are supposed to listen to is the voice of your heart. You know that ;)
Holy crap, that was a brief period of intense burst of emotions in the form of words!
That hit me hard. That para there gives meaning to all of our past sufferings and sparks hope in us to live a better life, to overlook the pain we may have to go through too.
I'm really digging this informal and kinda-haphazard style of writing! It's a sign of your words' authenticity.
Funny story, I was wondering about my life's purpose today and discussing with my brother about what I should do in the future.
So far, I know that I have a knack in music - for creating mashups like the ones I've posted so far. I can also edit videos - probably pretty well.
It's just that I haven't had that feeling of being ready to 100% commit to either, like how you said we should have. So that's what puzzles me.
But like you said, I must keep looking. I still have time to do so.
So I will.
Screw the boring 9-5!
PS: Amazing paintings and amazing post!
Thanks for sharing your story bro @yesaye . I sit down and write what's in me in that moment with zero preps, so it must be authentic :) Keep on looking my man, it's a question of time until you find. Never conform to mediocrity! Much Love
Yes, aye sir!

Finally someone who is right on, and made me read the whole post , which i normally find hard to do :-) but your post i enjoyed so much.. every word of it happened to "hit the spot". so it is appreciated that you took the time to post this "message"! I am your new "fan" and follower!
See you around !
I love to be impressed like this !! ;-)
Thank You Jan !
I am happy I was THE ONE haha :) So flattering! You got a new fan and follower in me too! Love your art!
Jan, you just made my day, but here is a couple of question for you if i may - i can't let them go for some reason since i read your post.
Thank You ! :-)
@agneslaczo if you insist, I'll throw my wisdom at ya :D haha, kiddin, I ain't wise yet madam, not yet haha. But hey, seriously, this is exactly what happened: after around 3 years of painting full time and having no other income, I had to sit down and face my fears and doubts. I was barely making the ends meet on my most basic needs such as studio rent. So I sit down and I asked myself a fundamental question: would I still continue to paint if I was broke and unrecognized? It took me a while to process it in pure honesty, but the answer came straight from my heart: YES I WOULD, for joy and love. And that's what I did. The difference was that after this decision, I had only 3 moths worth of money left, but I had new realization: i stopped caring about what I thought people would buy and I started painting only what I felt. Shortly after that I got a download of a first Buddha painting ever in my meditation. I painted it and it sold immediately. So did the second one. That was around 2014 and my style changed completely from landscapes to visionary art. Slowly, despite the initial criticism of "few established artists", I developed my own niche and eventually my own followers. Rest is history: I sold my first painting for $500, then $5000, then $10000 and now I'm shooting to six figures, while not giving a damn, I can stay relaxed around clients and I emanate confidence even when I ask for horrendous amounts of $ for my art, because I have rock solid faith in it and they can feel it. I can back it up by my personna, that's the key. That's the difference between being real and being a wannabe (wishful thinking). And it only comes thought time, and countless trial and tribulations and breakdowns. You just have to say FUCK IT, and do your best FOR YOURSELF, FOR LOVE, not for the market or others, and then hone that skill like crazy motherfucker day and night! Uff, that was long, hope it helped! As for your second question, that's another story and I gotta paint now, but you look like a cool shit (that's a compliment, forgive my language:), so just add me on Facebook if you on it and you can eventually soak the answer from my posts. Much Love and success to you Agnes! Your name sounds very Hungarian, love that country!
:-D Hungarian cool shit will be right behind you ! ;-)
See You around, thanks for everything !
Love this part ❤️❤️❤️:
“Once you tap into your life's purpose, you don't need anyone/anything to tell you how to do things. Because you don't do things for the sake of the result or for the sake of approval/validation from others. You do your thing for the joy of creation, because that is what keeps you alive. Everything else is just a waste of time.“
All of your post 👆🏼 Abso-f&$king-lutely
haha thanks for your amazing comment. Brought me a biiiig smile on this cold day :) @steemed-open much love!