Bull Saga part 3. Infallible Way How To Improve General Market Mood- How I See The Law Of Attraction

in #art7 years ago

Today was another busy day at studio 420 in Vancouver. And there is still a long busy night ahead. I'm stoked.

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Since I decided that I won't get flustered about the losses I'm suffering on Crypto markets, my life got a significant positive turn. I mean I can only worry so much, and they say fuck it and be happy for a change. Anyways, there's no loss until I sell, which is not happening anytime soon. I am still retiring this year and if it's gonna be thanks to crypto, my artist career, private placements in junior miners, by stumbling upon a golden rock or by winning a lottery, I don't quite care. Only thing I have to really comply with in order to accomplish that is to have a what I call "cellular certainty" about it.

What I call cellular certainty is kind of feeling, that leaves no space for doubt. You heard tons of things about law of attraction. Secret and so forth. I actually did not like reading Secret at all, because I could see through the gaps in their overly salesy strategy right away, and my doubts were confirmed later by real enlightened gurus (Eckhart Tolle, Story Waters, Ram Dass etc.), not the bunch of spiritual consumers who put this Secret"thing" together (sure, there is good ones on board too, but....).

Not that there is anything wrong putting a million dollar check in your name on the wall and spend your days daydreaming about your future filled with money. You just gonna miss the one thing you have and the one thing you'll ever have:

richness of present moment. In other words, you'll be killing your life, by fantasizing about future.

Law of attraction is actually simple. And it ain't no secret either. Your energy field leaves an imprint in Cosmos, in every given moment, it emanates an un-erasable record of your state of being. The key word here is moment. Energy only exists in present moment, it does not exist in the fantasy land of future and it does not reside in the cemetery of past. So get over it. Your energy field, created by your thoughts and deep subconscious fears, your words, actions and aspirations, all shine out to Universe and mingle with the Cosmis soup in which all creation constantly simmers. That energy field attracts the scenarios of the matching energy vibration to your life- people, events, things...

The fastest way to abundance is to see abundance. Or even better- to FEEL abundance. And obviously the secret shortcut to that is GRATITUDE. Genuine gratitude IS THEEEEEE SINGLE MOST POTENT GOOD SHIT ENERGY MAGNET out there, so you better take that into consideration and practice.

The key word here is "genuine" of course. You can fake pretty much anything in human world of ego- love, friendship, status, security (while being insecure), coolness, generosity (while being a stingy rat), bravery (while being coward), fearlessness (while being scared) etc. List is endless.

But you can't fake jack shit on energy level

There is no hiding place in this Multi-verse. You are transparent, an open public book connected to the rest of creation whether you're aware of it or not. You are constantly leaving imprints in akashic records that stay there for eternity and can be accessed at any point, because your essence is eternal. This thing alone should give you a serious consideration about your daily actions. This world will change overnight when they realize this truth, because it means the end of hypocrisy. And don't confuse this with the funny Christian notions of heaven and hell, sin and punishment. That's all dualistic illusions of primitive mind. In its essence, this Universe is AMORAL and ACAUSAL. That does not mean that it is not inherently good. Of course it is, because LIFE IN THE GREATEST SENSE OF THIS WORD IS GOOD, it's not chaotic and it's not self-destructive.

Image courtesy of Google

Wow, I was gonna post pictures of my today's work, and here I go on an epic rant about law of attraction and akashic records. Forgive the bubbly artist in me. I get easily carried away :)

OK, my day was awesome because I focused fully on creativity, and that keeps me present. When you're truly present, you quickly realize that problems do not actually exist. I know, bold statement. But try to have a problem when your mind is not wandering. What we perceive as "problem" is the interpretation of the mind, not the inherent essence of the event itself. When you switch that commentary off, there is no problem.

And now, really, enough philosophy!!! I told you before that I'll make the black bull golden. And today I did. I put 24 karat gold leaf in it.

So here is my new bull after the "GOLD" treatment :)


After this beast was done, I jumped right on the next bull in line: African Elephant.

Here is my today's progress on it step by step


Sky is about to undergo a major update...

Cloudy sky is always more fun!


This is how far I got with it today. I will soften the edges in the next session, which won't take more than 15 minutes, and I'll declare it done!

Here is how the two fellas look together!

hello handsome :)


Night is young my dear fellow Steemians, so I'll leave you with this and go back to my easel. I am starting another big cat painting now! (probably tiger...). Excited!!

Thanks for reading, upvoting, commenting and resteeming!

Much Love to all!

Follow @jankasparec

! hanes petit prince 3 logo.jpg


WOW! finally I can see the golden bull now. It impresses me! And the painting of elephant does look different and it's epic! Love both of them <3

Thanks love! I have another one in making right now, you'll love it too I promise!

Whoa!!! beautiful artwork, I especially love the elephant one at the end with the kid/person on the planet! Holy crud! That is epic!! Amazing work man!!

Thanks bro @apolymask! It's Little Prince! You know Saint-Exupery's classic "Le Petit Prince"? It's one of the most sold books of past century @apolymask. Beautiful fable.

The elephant turned out extra awesome! I respect the way you are dealing with a potentially very stressful situation. The word to happiness that instantly struck my soul chord it GRATITUDE... There you have it... That's the truest wealth we can achieve... Being grateful for the golden ticket we have called life... Your message is uplifting, yet activating, don't just sit around and wait for it to happen, be the change!

Buddha gold.jpg

Thanks man, glad to hear. Yes you got it!! There is endless list of thing to be grateful for at ANY given moment, even if just for the air you breathe!

Was so busy reading the words I almost didn't notice the photos, hehe. Amazing as always :)

Hard to vibrate positive energy sometimes. You can't lie to the universe and when things seem to be at their lowest imaging a better place is one of the hardest things in the universe.

Thanks for sharing and helping to turn my energy just a little more positive.

Those pictures are nice.. My concern is how you are getting it done, I really wanna be an artist too .. Your kind of art is something i'v never seen before, it's very new to me.. Thank God I'm on steemit, it's not late for me seeing this kind of art.. You are great sir

It's simple: I perform MAAAAGIC! :) I don't look around what others do and I give creativity the best I got. Fast forward 12 years - I kick some serious ass. IN a nutshell that's it. Now go and do the same and I'll be your patron bro! I love brave people who go all blood and sweat for love!

Too me, its like a magic lol.. I know nothing is impossible, I love your work and wanna be a great artist too
My first attempt @drawing was yesterday, although it's not that cool but I'm proud of it IMG_20180130_000734.jpg

It's great! As far as you do it for love and not for ego visions, all can happen. Keep it up bro!

Hey Jan, this is me the cool hungarian shit :-)
i enjoyed your new post too, but i am still digesting the older ones like the one with Bentinho's video in it , about 6 days ago. but like i said before; " i will be right behind you " ;-)

Sweet. Did you listen to Bentinho? He is DA MAAAAN!

i listen to him all the time! :-)

Great to hear! Did you listen to this particular one that I posted on ET consciousness Agnes? A true gem!

That is tomorrow's agenda ! :-)
Thanks a lot Jan , i am happy that we have these things "in common"...
would be great to change opinions on this kind of subject with you..
oh well..
:-) <3

You like Bentinho? Heh. He basically just got ran out of Sedona. I guess the commmunity didn't like what he was doing! I personally don't know much about him but I watched a video last night where he was trying to teach people to release DMT while awake by meditating and.. I kinda just sighed cause DMT hasn't officially been proven to exist in the human body like he claims, it's still a theory.. Yet he's teaching people that it exists in their bodies like it's a fact.. Soo.. Yeah.. I dunno what to think about him I need to do more research before I form my opinion more, but.. First impressions aren't great.

i hear you.. i saw him act or say things in a way it raised my eyebrows, but one thing is for sure, i can learn from him. So till then i am interested in his videos and his opinions on things. But thanks a lot , i will remember what you "said". Also, if you find someone even better, let me
know please, would you ? :-) Cheers.
ps. i don't know what DMT is.. :-(

@apolymask all enlightened people are vastly misunderstood because they do not operate on same "level" as the rest of us, trapped in our egos. Watch some of his videos or just listen. That's all the research you need. The guy is a proven guru I can say this with all my resonating heart with zero doubt. Jesus was killed and Osho was pretty much evicted from USA, this does not mean that they were not real. Quite the opposite I would say! Peace bro :)

:-) i was going to ask you Jan to jump in here, but you did , and i am glad! :-) I was also thinking of Osho how he purposely pissed people off with his "rebel" personality. i loved the guy ! :-) I probably have all his books, even the giant one called - Book of wisdom"! :-) Anyhow.. Cheers !

My friend. I love you. But your characterization of bentino is.. Lacking. I'm not in a position to 100% say he is a scam, but.. My friend. I love you and he is not love. He is just another puppet head.

This dude is ABSOLUTELY NO JESUS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. PLEASE DON'T think he is holy. This guy is not. Literally go on a hike with me and I'll show you more magic than this fuck could ever show you in his entire life.

wow.! really outstanding art good job keep it up....dear @jankasparec

Thanks bro! I will!

Wow.....excellent art and photography.thats look very beautiful.

Wow..Thats very good photography...I appreciate to see this photo... That's amazing job

wow very beautiful