RE: Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #251 'Blue Ice'
Blue is very happy if able to establish a close friendship and intimate. he will look devastated and decide if there is and in a condition of poor friendship.
For wanting to be loved, the blue presents itself. If another color takes time to be alone, the blue will think that he is no longer loved, because this aura will always be near the people. The blue is easy to release the air in a state of anger, sadness, and happy. He is concerned with hearts and feelings, sukajing, warm, and loving.Tujuannya in this world is to give love, learn love and learn to love. He wants people to be loved and accepted. He does not hesitate to devote time an energy for friends in need.
A blue person can sense if something is going to happen. For example, if he finds someone he has not seen in a long time, in no time will the people call him. If he faces a good problem in friendship, business , health or other things, then just need to be silent and seek answers that he needs.