Silence muffles the remaining breath
The cold freezes the soul
Flowing soft hum rhythm
Just for you by Richard Cocciante
more and more painful
Pieces of beautiful stories wrapped in pain
I'll try to recreate it
The beauty of breaking the sky
And his grief tore the earth
the feeling of walking in the twilight
The bitterness fills the halls of sorrow
Dark haunts our souls
When heaven turns to hell
The softness of the heart is slowly fading
Amok soul becomes a tempest
Crush all hope
The bias disappears
Missing can not reduce anger
Although wailing to stay together
miss crying begging him
But the soul is deaf to hear
Closed with chains of hate
Even though words say no heart
But the motion of the steps express for sure
Declare his heart has died
Twilight laughed loudly
Dusk dim change meaningless
Empty in nothing
Let go of hope in beauty
end of stanza Just for you
Bias all flavors
Kill all hope