Gandalf in ink - now I already just can't stop sketching him:)
A few days ago I made watercolor Gandalf, then in graphite, and now just can't stop:)
Today I made a sketch portrait in one of my favorite mediums which is ink.
Without pencil sketch again, so failed a bit with proportions.
Hope you all had a nice weekend!:) Cheers!:)
Thank you for watching:)
Love, Inber

Bello dibujo @inber felicitaciones .
Thank you:)
As usual no comments. You are just awesome. If I could draw then you will be my role model. I can only write. Which I did in my post.
Thank you:) Everyone has his own talent
I think I am good for nothing...... You are great, your images are simply stunning.
Just practice:) And don't jive up:)
Thank you very much.
Nice art!
That's a really good drawing!
that is very nice great work upvoted @inber dear
Nice work! Love high fantasy.
Thank you:)
I love working with ink!! Its one of my favorites too - you can focus more on line quality and light and shadow. Color can get compex so keeping it simple in B&W is awesome! Your drawing is really cool because it almost looks like a linoleum or wood cut print. Very nice work :) I like it and your subject matter!
I enjoy linocut, may be that's why:) Thank you:)
It definitely comes through - really cool! You're very welcome! I look forward to following and seeing more!
Thank you so much!:)
Very nice :)

Thank you!:)
This is really well done Inber! I like how you treated the hair, that's not easy to get right working with pen and ink.
For me it's a favorite material, so I already feel quite free with it:) Thank you:)