Sigil Painting for Hannah... Part 2: Creating the Sigils...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Original Prayers
"God of the Silence: Calm and quiet my soul at the fount of your loving presence. In your silence, replenish me with a force for love, especially for those who are the most demanding. When there is nowhere else to go, inspire me to drop into my heart and find your life-giving grace there, weaving the fabric of human reality into a tapestry of love. Amen"

"Oh God, grant me an undivided heart to love and serve you today with all my heart, mind, strength and soul. Open my eyes to see you and serve you in the ordinary events of this day. May Love radiate through me. Amen."

I took the prayers and broke them down into 5 positive statements.

I decided to make 1 sigil for God and one for Amen. I will probably link the God one to each of the others and put Amen at the end.

Here are the Sigils for each of the other statements:

God, calms and quiets my soul a the fount of his living presence.

God replenishes me with a force for love especially for those who are the most demanding

God inspires me to find His life giving grace in my heart.

God grants me an undivided heart to love and serve Him today with all my heart, mind, strength, and soul.

*In the ordinary events of the day God's love radiates through me."


Now, I am going to create a painting for Hannah, which contains these sigils embedded in the painting - and it will be of a mermaid in the ocean.

Stay tuned for Part 3... as I begin to construct the painting - and feel free to take these sigils and use them if you like.

(I take crypto for such works of art, as well as cash)


These are amazing!

thank you @the-fillosopher... I see that you are a sigil maker yourself! Thank you for taking a look..