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RE: Dealing With the "Business End" of Being an Artist

in #art8 years ago

If I can learn that stuff, all artist's can. Something about LIVING as an artist and floating above homelessness for 6 years made me get the business part of my art-life together. Artists ARE self-centered in the extreme so they probably won't take this advice until their pants are on fire! LOL!


“I never strove to rule the roast, She ne'er refus'd to pledge my toast.” - Matthew Prior, 'Turtle and Sparrow' 🍞

You make an interesting and often very true point @in2itiveart... we have seen quite a few who don't show up in our store till just after they've taken a job waiting tables at some local restaurant.

@reddragonfly - I just can speak for myself - I had a giant ego and an inferiority complex - plus I am impatient - so it was impossible to take on the business - the strenuous effort to figure out a pricing structure that worked, overcoming the terror of going to the galleries and seeing what they were showing. Trying to figure out whether what I was creating seemed anything like what was hanging in the gallery... the fear of rejection - the pain was so great that just walking into a gallery and trying to talk to the proprietor was just an exersize to see if I could do it without passing out - I lived in NYC as an artist in the 80s - it was not until the 2000's that I got the confidence to start showing my work... I remember Bernice Steinbaum ( - came to the School of Visual Arts (my school) - with a panel of female gallery owners and talked about being a female artist in NYC - Gracie Mansion, Mary Boone ( were with her. They were all super supportive and nice in the panel... I did a portrait series of that panel. I went to Bernice Steinbaum to see if she wanted to buy it. She kept me waiting in her office for about 6 hours. I just sat there because I was such a scared mouse at that time...and then she offered me $100 for the drawing series, but she wanted me to make her look more attractive. I said "No." which was amazing but I was so mad that she had kept me waiting for so long...I still have that series - I just looked at your website - I would think my work would go well in there - but I have never been a good acessor of that sort of thing - I basically gave up on trying to get in to galleries long ago - although I am doing my psychic drawings with readings in a gallery now - a gallery like yours sounds like it would be a good fit for me - but Denver is not that cool yet. Cheers!