Original watercolor painting
Hey friends!
Today I was finishing my things for tomorrow to go on a trip, I still have many pending but I am working to leave everything up to date, I set out to finish this drawing that had been pending for a few days but finally I could finish this work, this is made with watercolors and some touches with colored pencils, not if I did thinking that I would like to sleep a lot... I hope later to make some color modifications to experiment, but for now this It's the original. I appreciate the support I have received and I hope to continue improving every day.
I hope you like!

Drawing process Gif
I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for watching my blog.
¡Hermoso! muy bello tu arte la verdad ¿que materiales usas?
Hola! Muchas gracias @horty para esto utilizo acuarelas y al final unos retoques con prismacolor :)
oh quedates hermosa me gusta mucho tus autoretratos , te un bello dia querida @gvand.
No es un retrato porque siempre dices eso jajajaja pero gracias mi querido @katari
Lovely pose for a picture.
So much red!
Thank you very much dear @surfyogi