Your Voice Can Reach 5 octaves or more! Watch This Technique! - Part 2
Do you know if your voice can reach 3 octaves, or even up to 5 octaves up? It's true! You can certainly producing the very low sounds to very high sounds. You can do it all, of course with a good technique.
Your Voice Can Reach 5 octaves or more! Watch This Technique! - Part 2

Hello Stemians! How are you? I hope everything's okay! For those who are still sick, hopefully you will get well soon, ^^ Well, in the previous post, I've given my suggestions and opinions, that you can use your voice in the right way without imposing your vocal chords. This time, I'll show you a demonstration or example, well just to give you an idea, that your voice can really be extended either to a higher note or to a lower note.
In this post we will learn to recognize the vocal registers, and for those of you who want to try it, please, don't force your vocal chords! ^^ Ahh, if you have not read my post yet, you can check it through the link below, who knows, it can be useful for you, especially before reading this post.
Vocal Learning Basics - Blog 1
Caution For Readers
Everyone can have different opinions and views, so I do not force you to believe me, especially with my own theory, if you have your own opinion, do not hesitate if you want to share it with us in the comment section. XD
Vocal Register
Different people, different opinions. In my opinion, the voice of every human being is unique and has its own characteristics. Your voice is also split into some parts (each parts will sound different, hear the demonstration for more detail), you can also unite some parts of the sound, so it will sounds like one voice.
And this parts of the sound are called Vocal Register, there are generally three vocal registers that are often used by a professional singer, click the link below to hear that three common register:
In addition, there are many other vocal registers, and the following lists is some of those that I can tell:
- Vocal Fry Voice
- Falsetto & Falsettone Voice
- (I'll try to upload it next time on the other post :v I'm just trying to not send any spam when I uploaded my recording audio repeatedly)
- Whistle Voice
To find out which vocal registers you are using, you can tell it by feeling the vibrations in your body area that appear together with the sounds/voice you produce. For example, try saying "aa" like when you talking normally, then place your hands on your strenum, you should feel the vibrations in that area, and that's called the chest voice.

By knowing about vocal register and its application, you can use that knowledge to achieve a very high or very low note/tone, that's really cool right? XD In the technique, you can mix those registers to achieve the tone and sound that you want, this technique is called mixed / mix voice.
Even so... There are still many who don't like the terms as I said above, hmmm... Most people do like to assume that the voice is only in one form and not fragmented as I described above. Perhaps you are wondering whether your voice is low or high, but that doesn't really matter in learning mix voice. In other side, there will be differences between high or low voices for sure, but don't worry! That difference is what makes your voice unique. For more details about voice types, you can wait for my next post! XD , hopefully with this post, you can have a better understand about vocals, also keep training your vocal to get better on your singing or whatever you want to do in your life with your beautiful voice! ^^
Foot Note: *Octaves means eight, and one octaves equals to eight note from low to high (ex: C3 to C4 = 8 note = 1 octaves).
Okay my friends, I think this is enough for my post today, please just take the benefits from this post! :D If you have any question or wants to ask something (even a suggest), do not hesitate, just comment in the comment field below! I'll try to reply to some of your comments as best I can. :D If you like this article, you are freely to vote, like, or even resteem to your friends if you want. Thanks for your attention, see you in another post!! Bye-bye!