Just a few pachyderms from the homies extensive art collection hahahaha.... these guys stay haunting my brain... acrylic and ink pen..maybe some markers as well
Little bit of process jazz...
Just a few pachyderms from the homies extensive art collection hahahaha.... these guys stay haunting my brain... acrylic and ink pen..maybe some markers as well
Little bit of process jazz...
Very cool, I love elephants and I love poker. This one is like it's telling me to remember all the bad beeats...
hahaha.... thanks man... need to make a whole deck of these, would be cool to play a few games of poker with them
Very cool indeed, awesome idea, a whole deck of cards would be epic! I noticed you don't paint pupils in the eyes of your characters, do you have a reason behind this, or is it a style choice?
kind of like some empty windows to who knows whats inside.... but really i just like how it looks haha
Art with an ink pen? That's something !!
Thanks a lot... that trusty pen sure does make a lot of art :)
I really like the artwork that brings positive ideas closer to people
Must be supported...
Thank you for your wonderful work
Have a nice day 😊
Thanks for the love!!
I love your elephants, looks similar to Asian elephant in Saigon Zoo.

thats a dope shot... might have to draw this one now
lol thank you. I will share a video of elephant dancing in this week. You can watch it to see better views and draw it heheh come they dont wrinkle? U use very lil water?
lots of the cards have a plastic coating or whatnot... so it takes way longer to dry and sometimes scrape off the paint when trying to ink..but they fare way better than a lot of the papers i use