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RE: Funding Hospital Bill - 84sbd/300sbd- 216 to go!
YOU REACHED YOUR GOAL!!! I'm so happy for you <3
A few minor tweaks and look at the magic that happens. People are inherently good and willing to help those that truly need it, and are completely open and honest about everything.
I'm so thankful to everyone that donated to help her. It's had me worried sick all day, and I've been trying to help her however possible.
Those that stepped up and donated, you just changed someone's life. You should feel good because this just shows that humanity and compassion still exist <3
@FollowBTCNews @Drakos @RedDust @YabaPMatt @TheMarkyMark @Neoxian @Clayboyn @Shello
That's soo awesome! I'm glad @drawingly has reached her goal :)

This makes my day and worth all the work here on Steemit ❤️❤️❤️❤️