My first carbon pencil design, Left Eye (Original) By @genetf
Hello dear steemians,
This is my first design, I hope you like it
Left Eye
Step 1 - I define the shape of the eye, exactly how I will want it.
This step will be very careful, and when you have the defined form, you give it a bit of strength with your creyon
Step 2 - we will add the shape of the eye pupil and the distance we want the eyebrow and add the Iris.
It depends on how we want the look is that we will put the size of the iris.
A warm and innocent look is with a large iris. if he wants it more threatening, the iris must be small.
Step 3 - Fill the iris and start with the details
Step 4 - Here I show you the image with details. and if we notice, the brightness of the eye decided to do it squarely, we must fill the pupil of the eye, radically. and always respecting the shadows and brightness that we can imagine.
Step 5 - What we have left is to detail our drawing the way we want.
Wuaaaaaooo te quedoo impresionante (en mi pais diriamos una groseria quenexpresa literal como te quedo) . Explotaooo
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