LED, Lasers & Good Karma

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Few months ago while I was chilling on a beautiful beach in Goa (South India🌴😎🌴) this Indian guy approached me holding these beautiful shining lasers in his hand

“You want this… I know you want this!”
“No thank you” I answered politely, but he kept insisting!
“I know you want this… you NEED this!!!”

I was quite surprised by this as I don’t have the looks of someone who would buy anything at all. I was quite a dirtbag at the time, a hippie with a long beard, hair to my shoulders and no shower after a month on a hammock on the beach. What does he want?! I was thinking to myself but he kept insisting...

"Look... these are so nice, you NEED to buy it!"

I got angry. I hate it when people tell what I need or not need but right while I was throwing at him “WTF am I going to do with your stupid lasers ??!!!” I was strucked by an 💡idea💡🤔

I was after a nasty injury at the time and couldn’t do much but playing sitting down with the new LED Dragon Staff that I’ve built - my latest and most beloved flow toy 💓 I also just found this guest house with these amazing shining new marble floor for my yoga training (off-season perks 😃 the price was ridiculous !! )

You should have seen his face when I suddenly turned

“How many of these do you have?
How much is for one?
How about two? ... three ? ... four ? ”

We settled for two and the result was this trippy video ✨

Let me know what you think of it ...

Good Karma to all of you !
Especially to those of you 💕 following 😉 my blog

steemit: @flowish
Instagram: @flow.ish
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/FlowishMotion


please put a link of your steemit profile on the youtube video bellow. That can hep you to get some upvotes and followers as well, that is verification that its yours. I am mesmorized by your post and originality.

Good idea, I'll do that... thanks :)

On second thought I just removed it cause It will bury the video. Just like adding YT links on FB pretty much killed my all my FB posts...

it is needed to include your steemit link in yt video descriptions at least once in order to verify that it is your own work..

Sure, this proves that I own the channel.
Everything published there is my own work ...

Oh wow, that's so rad! I trained with a dragon last month and I was thinking it would look great with LED's. But I could only try out some LED pois, still a lot of fun! Keep the creative flow :)

Thank you flow mate, waiting for your first post :)

Very well done. Your story reminds me of the time I went to Ensenada Mexico for my honey moon. A man on the street was selling leather belts. He looks at me and yells "Hey Bruce Lee! I have something for you!." I did not buy any...but....If I had only have bought those belts....maybe I could have made a cool video like yours....

Anyhow, good video editing, good videography, good music. Me like.

Leather belts on your honey moon? sound very kinky... you can try it on your anniversary ;)
thanks a lot for your positive feedback! I love editing to music 😊