in #art7 years ago (edited)


The word "art" is a word everyone is sure to know, though
with different levels of understanding. It is said that the word art comes from the word "SANI" which
meaning "The Soul of the Sublime / Sincerity of the soul". In English with the term "ART"
(artivisial) which means the goods / or the work of an activity.
The concept of art continues to grow in line with the development of culture and
a vibrant community life. Some expert opinions on the meaning of art:
a. The Encyclopedia of Indonesia: Art is the creation of things or things
because of its shape, people like to see and hear
b. Aristotle argued that, art is the ability to make things
in relation to efforts to achieve a predetermined goal
by a certain idea,
c. Ki Hajar Dewantara art is beautiful, according to him art is all deeds
the man who arises and lives his feelings and is beautiful to the point
moving the souls of other human feelings,
d. Akhdiat K. Mihardja; art is a human activity that reflects reality
in a work, which thanks to its form and its contents have power to
evoke certain experiences in the spiritual nature of the recipients.
e. Erich Kahler; art is a human activity that explores, creates
that reality with a symbol or an allusion to the wholeness of the "little world."
reflecting the "big world".
about the nature of art is as follows:
a. The creative nature of art. Art is a continuous series of human activities
create new works.
b. The individuality of art. Artwork created by an artist
is a work that is characterized by personal, subjective and individual.
c. The value of expression or feeling. In appreciating and valuing a work of art
must use the criteria or the size of an aesthetic feeling. Artists express
his aesthetic feelings into his artwork and art lovers (apresiator) live,
understand and appreciate the work with his feelings.
d. Immortality because art can live all the time. The concept of that artwork
produced by an artist and appreciated by the community can not be drawn
back or deleted by time.
e. Universe or universal because art develops all over the world and along
time. Art can not be separated from people's lives. Since prehistoric times
up to this modern age people continue to make artwork with various functions and
its form in accordance with the development of society.