This was entirely made in Photoshop CS4
Hello guys this is animation I made a while ago and I normally use different software to make my animations like Adobe Flash, TV paint and other dedicated animation software.
But since Photoshop has some basic tools for creating animations I went all-in to photoshop and animated this run cycle. I tried my best to make the background Loop as well as the running cycle. e I think it turned out to be pretty good and since I intended to get an anime look, I did this in like eight frames, six or eight frames so this is really limited animation.
I hope you guys enjoyed it. I think I'm going to be making a few tutorials on how to animate and also Drawing Tutorials if you like my content don't forget to follow and upvote.
Nicely done!
Thank you.
I didn't know I could do this in PS4
Yes it's complicated though.

Thank you @smug-chan
hola me puedes decir donde consigo información de como hacer para alinear los textos @epico
Haré un tutorial muy pronto.
Aquí está una guía:
nice animation loop!
I Cant Believe , Nice Animation. I Usually use Adobe After effects to Do these kind of effects