My Friend's Canine Buddy Passed and I Created an Image to Commemorate Her.
My good friend's longtime canine buddy just passed away a few weeks ago and he reached out to me to commemorate her life by creating 3 digital paintings that will be printed on canvas.
I remember the night before they had to put Bailey down. Erik texted me late night, drunk and weeping. He is usually such a hard ass so it was totally unexpected. I offered my condolences as best as I was able and ended up having a quick laugh with him toward the end of our conversation.
He told me the following joke-
Q: What's the difference between your dog and your wife?
A: If you lock your dog in the trunk of your car it will be happy to see you when you open it :)

Oh God brother, I'm so sorry for your loss. Reminds me again to appreciate every second that I'm blessed to spend with my pibble.
Sorry to hear , my condolences
Aw, little sweetheart. I hope she is happy, wherever she is.