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RE: Holi-Art Day #51: Are we?

in #art7 years ago (edited)

The perspective of you to the freelance is I think different than mine. You define non-freelance with getting job, getting married, having children, obeying the rules, following fashion. Well we have to have rules and laws to obey to protect human rights.. Otherwise you can be even in danger.. For the others in this century no one is pushing people to get marry and have kids. These generation’s people are keeping decisions about them in their hands. Some people never get marry. So this means freedom? I think life is more meaningful if you share it. Any way I respect your point of view ;)


And I respect your point of view!

But this:

Well we have to have rules and laws to obey to protect human rights

I disagree with to the highest level. ;)

Also, the quote above is meant as "We are all taught to succumb to the cultural norms, and then call ourselves free" - but that isn't how it should be, imo. We should all be free to be who we are without caring what others think!

Oh I understand what you mean now ;) I agree with you to the highest level :D

Yeah we all belong to a nation, culture, norms. Unfortunately there are some stupid and unnecessary norms in each community. We can't shape our lifes by the norms of others. I am very sensitive in this point. Thanks for your clarification;)