my 30 years anniversary as visual artist
Time flies by. It's really been 30 years since my first Computergrafic live performances. Back then, I was live painting animation on two amiga 2000 with deluxe paint and a videomixer, abstract animations fitting to the beat of the music played by the DJ. The first bookings in my career were in the in the legendary CLUB MAVO in Vienna in may 1989.
@elgeko at work, Universo Paralello 2009
It was hard at the beginning, no one had any idea what I tried to do. the word visuals was not born back then, this new word was defined years later. Party organizers just did not understand what it's all about when I talked about computer live projection. The beamer at that time were also extremely unwieldy and heavy and extremely faint compared to today's machines.
You had to be accepted by the light guy otherwise he would overblast your Screen projection into invisibility. Nowadays visual artist are asked to dimm the projection down a bit because its too bright! Thats wonderland for visual artists nowadays. Likewise, the resolution of the beamer was just 720x576 pixels. This kind of visual art I did beside running my company Digital Canvas later called Fast Forward group digital media gmbh, because you hardly could live of making visuals alone. It was like a intenion to work in the field of audio visal symbiosis an inner wish to express myself with animation and visual projection. End of the 90thies my visual art gained momentum international and a lot of bookings followed. I worked during the week on my company projects and flew to gigs on weekend.
elgeko&tas FLOW 2018
Here is my last showreel before I decided to stop the company and focus on show and performance and enjoy life more instead of 24/7 workohol, company stress, executing projects without heart or soul. I wanted to be free to do what I want to do, thats what I do since then.
Many planes, many locations followed and it was the time of big gigs all over the globe.
I did shows in Japan, Brasil, Russia, Morroco, Israel, Germany, France, Ibiza, South Africa and many other countries. my biggest audiences were Ars Electronica, Klangwolke Linz 1999 with over 100.000 viewers, followed by XXXperience 10th anniversary near Sao Paulo with 65000 Party guests.
The Boom Festival in Portugal in the first 14 years was like a home turf. I made visuals in 2000, 2004 we produced a Festival DVD 2004 and two years later the 2nd DVD : We are one! 2006.
In 2008 we created a audiovisual performance spectacle as the last closing act for the main floor
The Psynema show Boom Festival 2008. I am the guy on the left :)
here you see the start of the show
and here is a impression of our XXXperience show in Brazil
I am now 54 years old and do just a few shows every year but it is still a lot of fun and my soul is still with my art, still learning new things every day.
@elgeko at COSMIC SPACE DISCO new years eve 2012
Psynema show WUK, Vienna 2010
My next fixed bookings are around christmas time in Vienna and Switzerland.
Spacerace, Zurich 2017
30 years is a long time, guess I am the visual grandpa now !!!
and don´t forget
WoW - Fantastisch - abgefahren gut ... !!!
Für Dich wäre ne Oculus Rift auch noch ne coole Sache ... da gibts VJ Software mit der du ganze Landschaften , usw für deine Videos gestalten kannst . oder TiltBrush mit der du zu der Mucke abgefahrene Pics malen kannst ... nur mal so ein Gedanke. Hab da schon Videos gesehen die total abgedreht sind :-) :-)
Hallo @yoogyart. Ja TILTbrush ist ziemlich powervoll mittlerweile und noch kein ende in sicht. Muss mich aufraffen, mir das alles auch noch einzuverleiben. . . . man bräuchte echt 7 Leben als visual artist :) .... hab da noch was für Dich. Könnte Dich interessieren. Denke so manche Deiner "hornelfen" sollten dort eingesandt werden und am Contest teilnehmen. finde ich :)
Wäre doch wunderbar zu sehen wenn eine davon ein gaming-rig bekommt und zum Leben erwacht!!!!!
You gotta be careful not to culturally appropriate my feelings next time, like teh way you stole this poor mans culture to promote crypto currency

tsk tsk tsk @supermeatboy might call the cultural police
I hope this Polynesian chief received his royalty check for the reward payout? You can always send him the steem on the astral blockchain
up + re of course
we have the same antennas...The better you look the more you see with greetings from Paris and wishing you a Merry Everything and a Happy Always!
This is awesome. I also do visuals at festivals. Never anything as big. Usually just stick to a single projector and a wall or some kind of basic art installation. I pray that I'm able to be doing it like this 25 years or so from now
Are you doing anything for the Steem Festival in Peru?
Cool man. I started small too and showed some persistence, if you really love what you do, sucess will fade in with time. Good luck hope to see you blasting somewhere in the future. I can´t come to Peru this year but I think about catching the next STEEMFIESTA date to come.
Awesome stuff, I had no idea! Commodore Amigas...that takes me back. Had an Amiga 500 back in the day. Thanks for sharing.
Respect. I didn't know you were Austrian. You did Universo Paralelo, wow, I wonder if you could share the adventure that was actually getting to the location of the event. Everyone I've met who has gigged or just attended always has a crazy story to tell about how they made it to the party.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh yes there are plenty of stories to tell. From accidents with drivers, to love affairs with beautiful artist host. And I can really tell some strange stories, like Celebra Brasil 2001 were I was sittting on the money physically all night on top of huge construction heavily secured by security, when the organizers freaked out of being robbed in their office. Was in brasil 8 times between 2000 and 2012. three times Universo paralello 09 10 11....It was a wonderfull time and you are right I could share some details in later posts, just need to mount the right harddiscs from back then to find all the photos and clips in original.
Wow, indeed Brasil (and I see you also learnt to spell it with "s") is indeed a place out of this world. The people, specially the wonderful ladies, the food, and the music experiences are unforgettable. So you were sitting literally on the money?, hahahaha that's funny indeed (and I believe scary at some point!). I gigged about 6 years all over Brasil but I could never make it to Universo Paralelo. Still on my bucket list, though. Just watched your Vimeo reel, amazing to see the progress through the years. The inherent old-school look of it is very appealing nowadays, I’d say.
Again, much respect!.
Posted using Partiko Android
Woot! Cheers to 30 more glorious years! Sikk works @elgeko.
Wishin you another 30+ years my friend!
.....thanks mate for the good wishin ! lol
Glorious 30 years+cheers on the occasion of anniversary and love the art.
Thank you and Have a great day.
Hi @elgeko :) impressive accomplishments :)
Thank you for the sweet feedback, you and Matt are right in the middle of big accomplishments too, great new technologies to be creative, to create new things and realize new ideas. Because you both love what you do and thats the best formula for big accomplishments.
Thank you @elgeko. You should be a motivational speaker, I feel inspired by your kind words :)
OMG, this is really amazing and fascinating. I am also an artist and I really enjoy the animations and motion graphics. But these live shows I have never heard before, I am really interested to learn them. Actually in India, we do not have much exposure to these things.