- Do you feel it?
- I mean
- Can you feel it?
- Cant you feel ...
- It’s coming!
- the tension of change
- It is in the air
- Can you feel it on your skin
- Hairs raising
- Adrenaline
- i feel it and it’s
- it’s like the rush
- When the needle is pumping
- Pupils dilated
- The itch inside
- That never stops
- Can’t you fukking feel it?
- Relax
- Close your eyes
- Feel the touch
- Of a fresh summer breeze
- Inside
- Cleaning out
- the rooms
- the rotten smells
- of the old dirty nasty
- politicians & politics
- that we never have chosen for
- Things we never wanted
- Policies we never choose
- Can you feel it?
- I mean
- Can you feel it?
- Can you feel ...
- It’s already here