Sometimes it needs to bleed- An art illustration for depression @dzued
"Sometimes it needs to bleed"
Dumb , useless , lazy , ugly and always messing everything up. Sometimes this words are much more painful than a solid punch in the face. Sometimes crying isnt just enough to let go every emotions that you want to let go. Sometimes it needs to bleed.
Depression, a disorder in which its victim always feel alone that no one ever loves him. Depression can make a big man feel so small.
( image from google )
To be honest I was amaze by facebook because of its feature (well if it's upon knowledge and blogging I'm a proud steemian). So it goes like this, was feeling sad so I want to read some sad article in facebook (since i don't have data for internet and in the Philippines facebook is free to browse) then I write the word sad in the search box. Amazingly an icon or a textbox suddenly appear asking if i need some friend support or support from myself. I was fascinated so i repeated and write the word depressed, and the same txt appeared. Depression is really a silent killer and in the internet and other social media and platforms you cant tell if a person is experiencing or having up a hard time in coping depression. And the saddest part about depression is that more than half of the suicide victims are caused by depression.

I know steemit is a happy place and i know also that their are lots of steemian that are experiencing this terrible disorder. I just want to spread awareness that depression is real and its about to take the world. Also even young kids are experiencing depression because of bullying.

As an artist my way to help people with depression is to spread awareness about depression.

This work is titled: Sometimes it bleeds.
It means that tears is not enough , people suffering from depression always thinks that death is the answer of their problems but its not. It only passes one's burden to another.

It is open palm with an open wound on its wrist. It means that depressed people reached for help and if no one will help them it leads to a tragic way ,suicide. And you know its just too nonsense to do suicide. But for people experiencing depression it is the only solution for their problems.

We can help others by talking to them and to let them know that they are not alone in their battle. We could make everything possible through unity. So please help me to help others. As what the golden rule said "do unto others what you want others do unto you" (a vice versa thought) if you want to get helped lets help others first.

I hope you would help me spread awareness about depression and thank you for reading my article.