Good day everyone :) I will be sharing one of my works , Today I will share my sketch of Tony Starks or Robert Downey :)

Since I was really amaze with Iron Man so why not draw the man behind the suit ? So this is it I will be showing the process of my work :)
Process :)
First is gather materials so I have some pencil for the outline or the first sketch , eraser for erasing the pencil , sketchbook to draw on and last is the pen :)

Next is after sketching using the pencil I started at the eye using pen , using the method cross hatching :)

So at this phase you can see that I am doing the part of the cheek and the eyes and its almost done :)

In this phase the half of the face is inked so I just continued until im done :)

And an hour after starting it Im done and hoping that you like it :)

For more art stuff just follow me @dzued :) That would be all for now and make sure to follow :)
Me gusta tu técnica, el sombreado haciendo uso de lineas logra un efecto muy interesante, lo probare en algunos de mis dibujos mas adelante. Te recomiendo cuidar mas la calidad de la imagen en tus bocetos, usar un lugar mas iluminado y marcarlo un poco mas. Ese tipo de detalles ayuda mucho a un post. Con tu dibujo solo tengo que decir que esta muy bien realizado. Me encanto. Saludos.
bueno, muchas gracias por la apreciación de mi trabajo. Seguiré tus consejos sobre mi próximo trabajo :)