Crafts: Blackwatch Genji's Shuriken (Unfinished)
Hello Steemians! I'm drawingwithflare.

I'm back and today I came back to crafts and made a lifesize Blackwatch Genji Shuriken this is part one cause I didn't have enough tools to finish it so I'll be posting a follow up.

In this craft, I used 100cw and 280cw sandpaper, glue and superglue, utility knife, vice, pencil and eraser, black and red paint, and ofcourse the popsicle sticks.

So first I outlined and planned the look of the board by drawing it in a piece of paper.

Then I cut them out.

Then I cut three different popsicle sticks in half. I numbered them so I know which is a partner of one.

And then, using some superglue 15 and 2 halves together. I did the same alternating pattern like with the surfboard but in 4×3.

And after that, I traced the templates I created earlier in the popsicle. I also cut it in the parts where it has to be so I could get all three of the blades equal.

I also traced the template for the middle piece that hold the blades together.

And using a hacksaw, I cut the pieces in the right size so I wouldn't do much sanding and trimming later.

Then, using my utility knife, I trimmed the pieces for sanding. It made a big mess of mini wood pieces that I kept in a plastic bag for future unknown uses.

And then, I checked if the pieces will look good ones it's done.

It's already past 1 and I was only able to sand one of them and even that isn't finished yet.
So I decided to call it a day. My hand hurts bad and I think it can use a bit of rest. I will finish it tomorrow I promise but for now, I'll take a good long nap.
Thank you so much! My name has been Flare and Bye!!!