Umberto Eco Baudolino WHAT A GREAT BOOK!

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Great delirium of the narrative of the story through the novelization so characteristic of Umberto Eco, I tell you that these days I cost baratisimo in a book fair (only 60bs) normally umberto is an author who I hoped to take a book and I I bought when I left, but this particular book was published in 2000 and late December 13, when it came to my hands.

Now let's talk about Umberto: He is a member of the Forum of Sages of the Board of the Executive Board of Unesco and Doctor Honoris Causa by thirty-eight universities around the world, including the Complutense University of Madrid (1990), the University of Tel Aviv (1994), the University of Athens (1995), the University of Warsaw (1996), the University of Castilla-La Mancha (1997), the Free University of Berlin (1998), the University of Seville (2010) and the University of Burgos (2013).

published books: endless ....

Among those novels:

READ The Name of the Rose (1980) - Mystery novel set in the Middle Ages. Film version performed by Sean Connery, Christian Slater and Ron Perlman.
READ The Foucault pendulum (1988) - Novel of plot, esotericism and magic set in the present. The small game that Casaubon performs with his two colleagues from a publishing house in Milan, will become a real nightmare to be taken as true by the Luciferian circles.
The island of the day before (1994) - History of a seventeenth-century noble who is shipwrecked on the date line.
IN PROCESS OF READING Baudolino (2000) - History of a young peasant of Piedmont adopted by the Emperor Federico I Barbarroja and his incredible adventures. The story has the style of a medieval manuscript, which this rascal begins to write to narrate his adventures, ranging from the very creation of the myth of the Holy Grail, to the discovery of the murderer of his adoptive father.
READ The mysterious flame of Queen Loana (2004) - This novel is dominated by fog. In the fog Yambo wakes up, after suffering an incident that makes him lose his memory. Accompanying him in the slow recovery, his wife convinces him to return to the country house where the books he read as a child, the school notebooks and the records he listened to at the time are kept.
The cemetery of Prague (2010), story of spies and conspirators whose argument revolves around a forger, Captain Simonini, who also suffers from a double personality, hired by secret services of several European countries. This unfolds in a highly anti-Semitic medium and as a masterpiece of the conspiracy turns out to be the author of the well-known Protocols of the Sages of Zion.

here is an extract of baudolino:
Crying for what he saw, Nicetas hurried to the back of the temple, where
erected what popular piety called the Sudante Column; and that, in effect, when touched
exhibited a mystical and continuous sweat of its own, but it was not for mystical reasons so
Nicetas wanted to reach her. Halfway there he had found the step cut by two
invaders of great stature-he thought they were giants-who shouted something in a tone
imperative. It was not necessary to know their language to understand that because of their
Court man presumed that he was loaded with gold, or could tell where he had hidden it.
And Nicetas, at that moment, felt lost because, as he had already seen in his laborious
race through the streets of the invaded city,
it was not enough to show that there were few coins, or to deny having hidden a treasure
ro somewhere; disgraced nobles,
weeping elders, expropriated owners: or
tortured them to death so that
they would reveal where they had hidden their assets, or kill them then, not having them anymore, not
They managed to reveal it. And when they revealed it,
they left them on the ground, after
endured such and so many tortures that
they could but die, while their executioners
they lifted a slab, they threw a false wall,
they caused a ceiling to collapse and
their predatory hands were wedged between precious tableware, with a crunch of silks and velvets,
caressing skins, shelling between the fingers pi
edras and jewels, smelling jars and bags of
rare drugs.
So, at that moment, Nicetas saw himself dead
to, he cried to his family that he had lost
and apologized to almighty God
for your sins. And that's when he entered Santa
Sofia Baudolino.
Galano appeared as a Saladin, with his horse engulfed, a great cross
red on the chest, the sword unsheathed, shouting:
-Beautiful, virgin, death
gods, disgusting blasphemers, pigs
simoniacos, is this the way to treat the things of our Lord?
And come to give all those blasphemous crucifers like him, with the
difference from him. I was not drunk
not furious. And come to the harlot sprawled
in the patriarchal chair, he leaned over, grabbed her by the hair and was already dragging her between the
muck of the mules, shouting horrible things
about the mother who had generated it. But
around him, all he thought he was punishing
they were so drunk, or so busy removing
stones of any material that engastara, that did not realize what he was doing.

Doing so, he came before the two giants who were going to torture Nicetas, looked at the
miserable who implored mercy, let go of her hair
of the courtesan, who rolled on the floor
baldada, and said in excellent Greek:
-By the twelve wise men, but if you are
Mr. Nicetas, minister of the basileo!
What can I do for you?
-Brother in Christ, whoever you are, -gr
itó Nicetas-, save me from these barbarians
Latinos who want me dead, save my body and save your soul!
From this exchange of vocalizations or
East the two pilgrims had not
understood a lot and asked Baudolino, who seemed to be his own, to express his
Provencal. And in excellent Provencal, Baudolino shouted that this man was a prisoner
of Count Baldwin of Flanders, by whose
den was looking for it, precisely, and for
arcana imperii that two miserable sergeant
It's how they would never have understood. Both
they were stunned for a moment, then decided that by arguing they lost time,
While they could look for other treasures without
erzo, and they moved away in the direction of the altar
Nicetas did not bend over to kiss the feet of his
savior, among other things because I was
already on the floor, but it was too much
tornado to behave with the dignity that
his rank would have required:
-My good sir, thanks for your help; A) Yes
Well, not all Latinos are wild animals
disdainful with his face distorted by
hatred. They did not behave like this even the
Saracens in reconquering Jerusalem, when the
Saladino settled for a few coins
to let the inhabitants leave
save us! What a shame for all the
Christianity, brothers against armed brothers,
pilgrims who had to go to reconquer the
Holy Sepulcher and who have allowed themselves to be separated from their
I walk for greed and envy, and
They destroy the Roman Empire! Oh Constantinople
a, Constantinople, mother of the churches,
princess of religion, guide of the perfect opinions, nurse of all sciences, rest
of all beauty, so you have drunk by the hand
of God the cup of terror, and you have burned
a fire much greater than the one that burned the
Pentapolis! How envious and implacable
demons spilled on you the intemperance
to his drunkenness? What crazy and hateful
Suitors lit the nuptial torch
l? Oh mother already dressed in gold and
imperial purple, now dirty and haggard, and deprived of your children, we do not find the
way, like caged birds, to leave is
the city that was ours, nor the integrity to
stay, and overwhelmed by many mistakes like wandering stars we missed!

Thank you I recommend it to everyone and to those who are close to loan them I can! blessings to all.