The original version of the mask carrier

in #art2 years ago

Today I decided to introduce you to a Big Head whose real name is Stanley Ipkiss.

This character has nothing in common with the version from the movie "The Mask" (1994) (except for the green face).

Stanley Ipkiss is a rare neurotic, weakling and loser.

A week after a quarrel with his girlfriend Katherine, the main character decides to buy a very expensive mask made of green onyx, from which she is a fan, in order to make peace with her. Leaving the store, Stanley sees that the clouds have parted, and realizes that life is starting to get better. However, a passing biker splashes Ipkiss's recently washed car with mud. The main character sends it. As soon as Stanley reached his car, a gang of bikers "Butchers" approached him, and they, having heard many offensive words in their address, brutally beat him. On the way to Kathy's apartment, the main character imagines how he takes revenge on all his abusers.

When Stanley gets to the apartment, he hears a whisper coming from the box with his recent purchase. The mask asks Ipkiss to put it on and take revenge on everyone. The main character puts it down to the consequences of the brawl. When the girl opens the door to Stanley, he apologizes for all the words he said, and then gives him a mask. Katherine admits that she still loves Ipkiss, they reconcile.

At night, the main character goes to the bathroom. Stanley gets scared when he sees his recent purchase on the toilet seat. Deciding that the girl did it to scare him, Ipkiss puts on a mask, intending to repay the same coin. However, in the mirror, the main character sees how his face and clothes change. With a mad grin, Stanley decides to check for superpowers. Going down the drainpipe, Ipkiss gets out into the city. Noticing two skinheads ahead, the main character decides to "train" on them. Trying to attack, Stanley hits his hand on a pole, and then completely gets hit by a car. Wounds heal instantly and Ipkiss decides to take revenge on all his abusers before performing superhero deeds.

In the meat suit of a rich gay man, the main character comes to the Butchers' house. Taking off his leather mask, Stanley knocks out the guard with a baseball bat. He breaks the bones of the next two, and sets fire to the third. When Ipkiss creates a firearm for himself, the other bikers shoot him in the chest. Realizing that he is also immortal, and bursting into insane laughter, the main character shoots opponents, and then burns down their house.

In the morning, a joyful Stanley returns to the apartment and pretends that nothing has happened. Watching the news with Kathy, Ipkiss learns that the police, investigating his murders, call him a "Big Head".



The main character, dressed as a forest guerrilla, crosses out the fourth name from the list of his abusers. When a girl offers Stanley to go somewhere, he snaps at her. As a result of the quarrel, Ipkiss almost hits her, but stops in time. Realizing what he just almost did, the main character takes a mask with him and leaves.


Having come to the tire shop "Yorky's Mufflers", where mechanics specially repair cars badly, the Big Head pulls them on a car muffler and other tools.


Stanley comes to the "Fred Willard Elementary School", where, using only a banana peel and legs, he kills his former teacher in front of the children.


On the way home, Ipkiss puts a bump on two hooligans pressing a nerd, and then, taking off his mask, greets his neighbor Mrs. Kellaway.

Arriving at the apartment, the calm protagonist decides to get a good night's sleep before Katherine arrives, and then become a super hero.


Waking up, Stanley asks Kathy where she put the mask. Upon learning that the girl threw it away, Ipkiss panics. A worried girl asks the main character to stop behaving like a beast. Stanley, realizing that he has already taken revenge on everyone he wanted and that he almost crossed the line in relation to Katherine, decides to listen to her, forget about the Big Head and return to normal life. He apologizes to her and then watches the news while waiting for the stew. Ipkiss learns that Lieutenant Mitch Kellaway is investigating the Big Head, and also that he forgot to take revenge on another person who owed him 60 bucks, after which he puts him on the list. As a result, Kathy can't stand it and throws the main character out of the house.

Later, Stanley, after turning over all the nearby trash cans, guesses that the girl left the mask to herself. After waiting for Katherine to turn off the light and go to bed, Ipkiss climbed up the drainpipe into her window. When the main character tries to get into the apartment, he is pressed down by the window frame, and he starts yelling at the top of his voice. Once inside the room and not seeing Kathy on the horizon, Stanley thinks that his scream did not wake anyone, but when he enters the bedroom, the girl knocks him out from behind with a table lamp. Waking up, Ipkiss finds himself in the kitchen, where he sees a mask and puts it on. Taking a table lamp out of his sleeve, the Big Head decides to repay the girl with the same coin. As a result, he accidentally kills one of the newly arrived cops, after which the second shoots him in the head. The wound heals quickly and the main character, taking out the second lamp, kills the last one. When Stanley takes a beer out of the refrigerator, a third policeman hits him from behind with another lamp. Seriously angry, Ipkiss pulls out pistols and shoots him. Seeing several police cars in the window, the Big Head decides to arrange total destruction for them. Pretending to be a granny, the main character sends the cops to the fifth floor, and then blows them up with a bazooka. Wearing the skin and uniform of a sergeant and pretending to be him, Stanley incites the injured servants of the law against one of the newcomers. When the police guess that something is wrong here, Ipkiss takes off his suit and leads them to the roof. Teleporting, the Big Head destroys cops in various ways. After that, he is surrounded by a new squad of police led by Lieutenant Kellaway, who orders them to shoot to kill. Due to the huge number of incoming bullets, the main character falls from the roof. Landing on a police car with a criminal sitting in the back, Stanley steals it. Along the way, he blows up a police truck and shuts the guy up. Ipkiss, having broken through the wall of the store, goes for a beer. Seeing the police cars from behind, the Big Head gets rid of his pursuers with two bullets, which leads to a car accident. After seeing the last offender from his list, the main character drives through it. Noticing Mitch and his partner Lionel, Stanley tries to get away from them. As a result, the cops hit the car in the side so that it crashes into the nearest wall. Surreptitiously climbing onto the lieutenant's car with an axe, Ipkiss tries to cut himself a passage straight to him. Seeing the checkpoint, the cops stop, and the Big Head flies off. Standing up, the main character pulls out a machine gun and a flamethrower, and then arranges the total destruction of the police and several innocent citizens. After a while, Stanley gets bored and leaves.

In the morning, returning home through the sewer, Ipkiss deprives the cop of the farm, and then kills. Having come to himself and taken off his mask, the main character collects his things in order to leave the city. However, as soon as Stanley reaches the laundry drawer, someone kills him with three shots from behind.

I hope you enjoy it.


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