Photography as an Art
You start experimenting, first with editing, and then suddenly you become more adventurous with which photo subjects you choose, start to see the compositions and light differently, and start taking photos which look beautiful to you, not others.
That is the moment you stop to be a replicator and step into an art photography. Am I there yet? Not quite but I am getting closer to it.
Are these photos underexposed, overexposed, sharp, in be honest I don't care! I love the look and feel of every single one.
It was a night-time and this tree was illuminated only by a street lamp, it looked spooky and I simply had to get the scene.
Two photos of ”nothing”, almost empty space, but the sky was gorgeous and the red dirt was in contrast with it... crazy colors and worth printing and framing.
Light experiment...drove in a car and put my camera on long exposure...light traces really look like a painting.
Pale black and white of simple snail shell...nothing spectacular ;-).
I am not too big of a fan of HDR, but it looks nice on this grass bush.
These are fabulous Di.. I love are an artist, no doubt in my mind. You create art with your camera. I really like what you did with the lights....they look like they've been painted with a palate knife.
Each photo is amazing, seriously. I like how free you are with your photography.
Oh, that is wonderful compliment dear! Thank you!!! For a long time I did not understand the the sentence “everything is about light” used in photographers circles, but it seems I am finally grasping the meaning. thank you again!
Good photos, I experiment a lot too. I like the micro 4/3 cameras because they have a smaller sensor, so you can free lens or use a tilt adapter with old 35mm lenses. There's some interesting CCTV camera lenses on Amazon and Ebay that are cheap, here's one example
I want to buy Lensbaby, that will be my lens soon. Thank you!
My compliments. The time you are dedicating to "photo taking" and editing is clearly paying off.
is just one step ahead of the others. Well done ;)
My favorite ...
Thank you dear!
Pozdrav @dijana969 ! :)
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Oh, veliko hvala!
I'm absolute agree with what you wrote, I like your style and I like this post. Great job!